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  1. F

    From 1.2 to 2.0 (New Car)

    im sure i posted a reply in this post.. but here goes again. Im glad u finally got your new car, its been and exciting journey and youve been very xcited about getting it. and im also excited at the fact that i get to test drive it today :D
  2. F

    My new Monaco Blue 172 (56k)

    finally dude... after months of excitement :D im excited too, wana know why? cause i get a test drive on tuesday :D
  3. F

    Jonaldinho - The Story So Far

    nice vid man. I remember most of it, which is weird since iv only known u for like 2 years. And thanks for putting the only pug in the whole vid :D
  4. F

    New Wheelies!

    look nice man, shame your copying me though :P
  5. F

    My bad luck continues

    poor jonny, and at a time when funds are low too, not good at all
  6. F

    My new gaming system, what you all think?

    wow nice systems guys. im still on my mobile! upgrading about april/may time.
  7. F

    Upgrading the pc again!

    try selling the balistix as 2 seperate 1gb sets instead of a 2gb set, i think you could make more from that. But at a total rough estimate about 300-500. The 6800ultra was about 400 quid when it first came out iirc but that was long gone now. Let us know how much you get it for eh?
  8. F

    Is anyone running SLi?

    dual 512 gtx is just overkill atm especially with the price. And i agree with what woodentop said.
  9. F

    crash :(

    nice... in a way.
  10. F

    crash :(

    i sure hope your right. ^^^
  11. F

    crash :(

    hopefully not. All i know is that i gota pay like 500quid excess..
  12. F

    crash :(

    I crashed into the woman in front of me . All i saw was that the woman put her brakes on,so i slammed mine and bam, i slid. I had come straight off the roundabout or practically was still on it before i saw what happened. When everyone got out the car they all agreed it was some stuoid idiots...
  13. F

    Speeding Video

    hah nice one
  14. F

    Gumball Rally Type Thing for Cancer Research UK

    im up for this. Depending on what days its on. Il bring along my 206.
  15. F

    Battlefield 2 Match Now Arranged

    yeah probably darren s. I dont kno why people dont play medic though its fun. Engineer is more sucky though. I play spec ops and anti tank mostly.
  16. F

    Clio MK3 Archi-rival !!!

    looks like a shrunken down ver of the 307 to me.
  17. F

    New RS Clio concept photochop

    nice i liek that very much
  18. F

    Battlefield 2 Match Now Arranged

    wtf no!lol il go reserve, iv got a meet on that day with the pgac boys. But i may pop in if theres space.
  19. F

    Pc War Games

    Its not as vehicle based as you think. I hardly ever go in the vehicles except to get the flags quicker.
  20. F

    Battlefield 2 Players

    Im so up for this! Tell me when and the time and i let you know if i can play but im so up for it. Clio head i doubt youl be able to play online with a dled version.
  21. F

    FAO Jonaldhino

    the oz legs look good with your car jonny. The white ones look ok, but the chrome ones.. :dead: Get the oz legs!!
  22. F

    Clio 3 RS: Cup P/S

    looks nice, is that just a concept or it the actual design of the car. I mean concept as in concept from clio not from fub..
  23. F

    whos is this chavved up mk1 clio???

    o dear lord!!
  24. F

    Battlefield 2 online

    i played both although bf42 was a much easier game, i like bf2 cause its more... nicer?
  25. F

    Mp3 player

    sweet :D thats the solution il be going with most likely..
  26. F

    Mp3 player

    ack im sure il sort something out then post the setup here.. now i need a good sub and amp..
  27. F

    Mp3 player

    ah hellcat your is the plug and play mp3 player while mine si the hd player. The guys at advanced mp3 said that it wouldnt work with my hd player since it only works with the smaller sized mp3 players which are instanly recgnised as sson as you plug them in.
  28. F

    Mp3 player

    thnaks. I had looked at that player by h&b and i emailed them with no reponse. The place that i was gona be buyig it from said that it wouldnt be compatible, but if your bro manages to hook it up keep me informed?
  29. F

    Mp3 player

    oo alpines arent they expensive? iff i can id rather not pay massive amounts ..
  30. F

    Mp3 player

    Hi i just joined these forums and hers my question. I have a 60gb Creative zen xtra nomad jukebox (yeah i know, wtf?) Now i want to know if thers anyway to hook it up to my car and how to do so and if any what would be the best head unit for it. Thanks. This player does not come with any...