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  1. C

    left hand side head light

    OK got it..yes i probably do need a new slam panel, I thought it would just be a new catch.
  2. C

    left hand side head light

    I think the bonnet might just bend back as its just the corner that lifted (where the other 'cars' spare wheel cover caught it) slam panel ?? I think I need to google that as I dont know what that is ?
  3. C

    left hand side head light

    :( i thought that
  4. C

    left hand side head light

    Hi, I managed to slide into the back of one of the people carrier type thingies with a spare wheel on the back over the back holiday (they cut me up on the M1! grr) not much damage done just a broken left hand side headlamp and a sli9ghtly lifted bonnet. (not a mark on the other vehicle)...
  5. C

    Power sterering fliud - 172 cup

    Hi, my powersteering is making whining noises so im pretty sure my fluid levels are low. I've been and brought the fluid & I've looked in the engine bay but can't work out where it goes - does anyone have there owner manual and can have a look for me. Also where does wiper fluid go that wasn't...
  6. C

    have anyone ever seen ..

    im not convinced
  7. C

    have anyone ever seen ..

    Never thought of that. Guess I've never had a car with curbed wheels before so its not something I've noticed on previous cars
  8. C

    have anyone ever seen ..

    a 172 cup with yellow turini's ?? Mine are currently anthricite, but slightly curbed (not by me) and im convinced that under the anthricite its yellow !! Everytime I look I keep noticing more and more yellow bits !! I thought when wheels were refurbished the old stuff got taken off with...
  9. C

    AVON ZZ3 Tyres

    One of my mates swears by them, not entitly sure of all the technicalities behind it but in plain old simple english they stick like glue but dont last quite as long, which is why they tend to be cheaper. Im sure someone will be along with a more technical answer soon !
  10. C

    Does this look any good?

    has anyone actually seen a clio with yellow wheels ?
  11. C


    They use UPS so you could try typing the addresses in there to see what it comes up with
  12. C

    This advert for a clio 172 made me chuckle

    OMG! its actually a garage trying to sell
  13. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    gosh she must trust you a lot more then haha
  14. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    Your mum loves me !! In fact she would probably prefer me to have it as she has never appreciated your driving !! trying to remember some of her famous quotes but the altzeimers is kicking in
  15. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    Yeah it became quite a long thread !! Just worried that other people are now going to start doing same as now everyone knows how to lock their keys in !!
  16. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    yes CAT171 keys are safely in the house again !! Shibber - I never said tonight lol
  17. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    The cheek of you !! As if I use my blondeness to get my own way !! (please dont list examples) Im so taking your car for a late night ride !!
  18. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    wooo hooo Im in !! No chav bashing, window breakage or damaged work, Thanks for the advice everyone :)
  19. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    I'm never going to make a master criminal am I !!
  20. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    haha going to have to try that just for the pure enterainment value - not sure i beleive it works though
  21. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    I havent actually tried swapping wires - couldn't actually work out how to get in the casing. T he car is on my driveway, to notice the keys you would have to squeeze past the fence and look in - if you where doing this you would have to be planning to steal the car anyway as the path to the...
  22. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    I dont set my alarm because - it hyper sensitive especially between 2am and 5am and goes off literally once every 2 minutes note to self - take the car to garage and get the alarm fixed !!
  23. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    some very creative suggestion of how to lock them in !! None of them are what i actually did though !! So i'll leave you in suspense... Have to go to work will fill you all in later :0) oh and give you an up date on whether or not I actually manage to get back in without the aid of a brick /...
  24. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    IM not going to tell you how to lock your keys inside !! if you know you will end up doing it !!
  25. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    wasnt sure that would work as it does physically have locks on the outside
  26. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    not sure but worth a try
  27. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    no i dont have a spare - thought i might get as answer as i cant of been the first person (or am I) to lock their keys in, but if anyone knows and doesnt want to advertise how its done PM me ! get the point shouldnt advertise it really as clio's will start disapearing
  28. C

    help !! breaking into a clio!!

    Hi How do i get in a clio without a key !! Having a seriously blonde day and I've locked my keys in the car !! any advice ???? Brick through window is my last resort ! :dapprove: Will a coat hanger work ?? Help !! ps i rang the AA but they wanted to charge £100 - which makes me...