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  1. H

    AF03 Monaco in Stowmarket

    I was the cup you followed down tesco's hill earlier, car was looking good.
  2. H

    It's been a long time!

    Was your old cup standard?
  3. H

    Peoples thoughts on good suspension set ups...

    I'm running H&R coilovers, and I find them harsh for the driving I do. I'm thinking of going back to 172 cup dampers and sportlines, everyone seems to recommend this setup for the road. If you want even more handling whiteline ARB's are meant to be a good investment.
  4. H

    Pimp My Ride...

    Along with the rear wing. But I suppose it needs it, to hold down 1272cc's of raw power.
  5. H

    Toe bar

    Buy an estate.
  6. H

    thought you might like to see my 182 after a visit to ktec on Friday!!

    What is this mythical induction kit I keep hearing about??
  7. H

    172 oil leak from rocket cover plenum area noticeable worse during hard track driving

    Re: 172 oil leak from rocket cover plenum area noticeable worse during hard track dri Do you have the part number handy for one of these? Mines leaky aswell, I thought it's something i was gonna have to live with.
  8. H

    xbox live

    They where advertising 2 months for 2 quid on my dashboard the other day.
  9. H

    How To Replace Both Front Headlights?

    Use Fubars guide to remove the front bumper found here
  10. H

    rear wiper arm

    I think it is 13mm, if you mean the nut that holds the actual arm on.
  11. H

    Clio 172 Cup gearknob

    Well I think the knob itself would be the same, but you can take the coloured insert out, so maybe that in itself is a part? Just read the thread you posted and tom says that is for both parts so I'm out of ideas mate, maybe its best to ring him.
  12. H

    Clio 172 Cup gearknob

    Hey mate I can't help you with the part number, but if you drop west's Renault a PM he'll will be able to sort you out.
  13. H

    Subtle mods added to the burg

    Looking good mate, are the C2 aerial's a better fit than the CTR ones? The spacers make a real difference to the stance aswell.
  14. H

    Stickers on front of bonnet?

  15. H

    My 172 Cup ~ OEM+

    Would these be a worthwhile upgrade? I got thinking about doing mine at some point, maybe powerflexed, but am not sure whether the gain outweighs the hassle.
  16. H

    My 172 Cup ~ OEM+

    Excellent upgrades there mate, have you got much left to do?
  17. H

    gearbox oil

    I take it once you have drained the 'box, just refill until it comes back out? Come to think of it I'm sure I've seen a guide somewhere.
  18. H

    gearbox oil

    How much would you need just out of interest? Also a 172 cup would take the same GL5?
  19. H

    1967 Volvo Vs Ferrari 458

    Just goes to show, Its not what you show its what your concealing!
  20. H

    Cheapest place for discs and pads

    G172 in the traders section will see you right, just fire him a PM.
  21. H

    v6 safety car

    It was probably those mahoosive lights on the roof!
  22. H

    People running with no foglights

    I have tucked them up and wrapped them up, hopefully the arch liners will hold them in if they drop.
  23. H

    Burning smell and the dead!!!

    There is a good guide for bumper removal, but you have to be a full member to access it. Hope you get her working soon ;).
  24. H

    I'm back with a ph1 :)

    This just makes me like PH1's even more!
  25. H

    People running with no foglights

    Right peeps the foglights are out, and the open connectors taped up. Now is it worth wrapping up the main connector that is in the passenger side as well?
  26. H

    Seized pad carrier

    Its alright now, its off plenty of swearing mind and one strong brother-in-law later and its off. Now I've just gotta get the torx bolts out of the disc as they are fubar'ed, they are gonna have to be drilled out me thinks.
  27. H

    Seized pad carrier

    Doing my front brakes today, all of the passenger side came apart no problems. When it came to the drivers side, the piston came off fine, but the two 18mm pad carrier bolts are stuck solid! any ideas?
  28. H

    Pad shims

    Just looking at the back of my newly acquired brembo pads, and they have a nylon like material on the back in the shape of a shim. Does this mean I wont need the metal shims that should be in the carrier currently? Sorry if the question is stupid guys. :o
  29. H

    PH1 Flamer.

    I personally like PH2 rears on PH1's, if you don't like surely you could sell them on without much of a loss?
  30. H

    French Flag on Grill

    From Banderson's project thread.