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  1. kiss-me-goodnight

    3G Problems

    It's still doing it with the cover off so I'm going to transfer all of my photos off the phone to do an update - if that doesn't work I give up, begininng to think that the iphone 4 is crap :-(
  2. kiss-me-goodnight

    3G Problems

    Ah that could be the problem as have mine in a case the majority of time - will try that & see how I get on thanks :approve:
  3. kiss-me-goodnight

    3G Problems

    My iphone4 has been playing up a lot lately when I'm out and about, I can't get internet literally for hours but when I do a reset it works. Tbh I can't be bothered taking it into 3 to be fixed as their turn around time is approx 3 weeks. Anyone else had similar faults & know what it is?
  4. kiss-me-goodnight

    iPhone Panorama shots

    Brilliant photos
  5. kiss-me-goodnight

    Today I drove..

    Poor instructor, enough to put him off the job for life
  6. kiss-me-goodnight

    iOS "must have" apps

    Re: iphone appstore must haves? Four pictures one word.
  7. kiss-me-goodnight

    Protected No Claims?

    I tend to change insurance companies every year to get the best deal, does anyone know if protected claims transferable between companies?
  8. kiss-me-goodnight

    Looking for a new 3g phone

    I'm looking for a new 3g phone, currently have a Blackberry on contract but don't rate them much as not very robust - can anyone suggest a phone that has similar features but sturdier? Ps I've got nails so struggle with touch screen phones
  9. kiss-me-goodnight

    foreign replies to 'for sale' threads

    Or he didn't want to call because his english is not so good on the phone, so he moved on to the next Clio, and paid them the full asking price instead.
  10. kiss-me-goodnight


    Is this what I need?
  11. kiss-me-goodnight


    Hi I'm from the West Midlands, not really got a budget just I've seen a camera for £50 and wanted to know what I'd needed to record with it.
  12. kiss-me-goodnight


    Does anyone know anything about CCTV as I'm looking to buy a security camera but I don't know what I need to buy to record?
  13. kiss-me-goodnight

    Pistonheads updated site

    I like it, they've brought it up to date imo (Richard_UK on Mels comp)
  14. kiss-me-goodnight

    Blackberry £60 Thank You?

    Thanks will take a look
  15. kiss-me-goodnight

    Blackberry £60 Thank You?

    I've been told Blackberry are giving away a £60 thank you to use on apps for all of the recents problems - can anyone advise how I access this? Thanks
  16. kiss-me-goodnight

    Anyone use a projector rather than a TV

    I think he means a projector and screen not a projector tv, I had one years ago and the picture quality was good then, there's probably hd ones now?
  17. kiss-me-goodnight

    The best way to get rid of a scratch on a car?

    Yes agreed I would have thought that as my car is 4 yrs old so new paint wouldn't match up 100% with weathered paint, my cars metallic red, have been told metallic is quite difficult to match up too
  18. kiss-me-goodnight

    The best way to get rid of a scratch on a car?

    Iv'e got a scratch down the side of my car, nothing major but I want rid of it so I can sell it, Iv'e been told it will cost £400 to put right as the whole door will need respraying but in my opinion its only a hairline scratch, Iv'e tried t-cutting it at no avail and bought a spray can of...
  19. kiss-me-goodnight

    PH1 V6

    oops forgot I was on Mel's laptop (Richard_UK)
  20. kiss-me-goodnight

    PH1 V6

    Probably not to everyone's taste, but I like it, more than I'd have thought I would as I usually prefer standard..
  21. kiss-me-goodnight

    Awesome website potentially dangerous in the wrong hands!!

    This is just pure evil/genius. My lurvely bf has just used this service to send me a text from my friend - she said "just to say I have heard that you like women, I have always wanted to confess I fancy you too, I would like to try stuff with you if you want to" CRINGE, now to plot my revenge...
  22. kiss-me-goodnight


    Yes for the banter lol ;)
  23. kiss-me-goodnight


    tbh no I'm looking at a fiat 500 or a mini cooper lol
  24. kiss-me-goodnight


    Hey all, Im new to the cliosport forum, although i dont own a clio I've heard how good this forum is so have decided to give it a go. Mel :D:D