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182 - brake fluid reservoir?

  Black-Gold 182
Hey all,

I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but where is the brake fluid reservoir on a 182? I've looked through the hand book and it isn't where it says it is in the hand book. Is it a combined power steering fluid/ brake fluid reservoir, or is it hidden under neath something? I've recently changed my discs and pads and wanted to check my fluid level, but got a little confused when I couldn't find it!

  M4 LCI, X1, ZX10R
Take the engine cover off and it's behind the engine on the left hand side.

It's pain!!


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Like the man says . Engine cover off and down the left hand side .



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Like Fred says . There's a sensor on the cap . When it's low you'll get the usual service and brake warning light on your dash .
  M4 LCI, X1, ZX10R
When I changed my pads last time.

I checked the resorvoir and when I tighten up the cap the rear of the resorvoir came out of the master cylinder. It was a real pain to get back in.

I not even going to touch it next time I change the pads.
  Black-Gold 182
Ah right. Didn't know that.

But I still could have done with checking it while I had my calipers in bits - didn't want to overflow the fluid or anything when pushing the piston back in.

Good job I didn't change the fluid! I'd have been well buggered!



ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
^^^ If you ever do need to top it up , use a funnel and put some old rags round the top . You don't want any nasty spills down onto the exhaust :eek:
