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Clio 182 Track Car & Daily Projects

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
In 2017 I plunged into the world of Renault and purchased a couple of Clio 182’s. One for trackdays (eventually racing) and the other for a daily.

I’ll log the progress so far and at the same time keep a historical record along with images of the cars starting with my Clio 182 Road car.


Found this Black Gold 182 with 2 Cup packs locally. Didn’t have a clue what to look for so gave it a quick run up the road and was reminded what a 13 year old car was like. Still it was cheap so took a punt.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
After getting the car home I gave it a quick look over. It was a bit crusty everywhere but the plan was to breathe some new life into it.

Bonnet was scabby, passenger door creased and dented beyond economical repair - funny I never noticed this when I was looking around it [emoji2371]every panel bar the tailgate and drivers door had a story to tell.

Brakes, suspension, hubs, exhaust hangers etc had all seen better days. Maybe not so much of a bargain after all.

Still, I love a challenge so time to crack on.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
As I wanted to drive the car at the weekends to get to know it, I’d been advised to check cambelt history. The car was on 109,000 and the previous owner hadn’t changed it, but had a receipt from about 5 years previous indicating it had been changed. Time to get the belts done.

I called on my local specialist Kris Dark at Ren-Sport garages to do the belts. I’d already enquired about a kit, so he offered to do the labour if I supplied him the parts.

The kit comprised of genuine belt, dephaser, auxiliary belts, end caps, auxiliary tensioner and water pump.

The whole job cost me £450 which seemed good value from what other people were paying. in it went, job done.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
After driving it for a couple of days I noticed a lot of movement from the engine when changing gear quickly at high revs.

Took a look underneath the car and noticed the dogbone engine mount rubber bush looked a little perished. Whilst I was there I checked the upper engine mount and that had seen better days. The gearbox mount under the battery seemed in good order.

The upper engine mounts were pretty expensive for what they were so I opted for a yellow Powerflex insert and the purple Powerflex bush for the dogbone.

Problem solved although there was now a more noticeable vibration coming through the cabin.

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The vibration may die down a bit once the mounts have settled a bit. I had a black insert which was super loud, just took it out and have the dog bone mount with a vibra technics gearbox mount now

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
The vibration may die down a bit once the mounts have settled a bit. I had a black insert which was super loud, just took it out and have the dog bone mount with a vibra technics gearbox mount now

It wasn’t too bad just noticeable over stock. Just reference points for people who may want to upgrade.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
After driving the car for a month and costing up replacement parts, I decide I’m going to keep it as standard as possible. The original idea was to strip it and build a track car, but despite the fact it’s had more owners than lassie and a partial service history, I haven’t the heart to rip it to pieces.

Time for Plan B - look for a track project.

A few weeks later a mate of mine who races Clio’s tags me into a post from a lad who’s selling a 2005 Clio 182 in Black Gold - not another one - that’s been completely stripped for track. More noticeable is the cage which is a safety devices R022 6 point bolt in design. Perfect for what I plan to do.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
A quick discussion with the owner, small deposit and I’m now heading south on a 8 hour return journey with a friend and his trailer to check it out.

When he said it had been stripped, he’s not kidding. It’s been completely gutted. These are the images he sent me showing the cage inside. He also said it had a seat in it but all it had was a wiring loom and a steering wheel. That’s it.

It’s freezing cold, pissing it down, I’m somewhere near Wales and the owner suddenly called me to say he had to go into work [emoji23] but the keys are with his missus. This is going to be outstanding or a complete waste of my time.


It did have a full service history and low mileage so at least the engine would be ok [emoji848] Or so I thought.


On arrival the car had no seats, not even a mount to put a seat on. Wiring loom all over the place and disconnected. I’m in my mid 50’s, my mates in his 60’s. We’re soaking, freezing and we’re trying to get it wired up so we can start the engine. But we’re old school......[emoji123][emoji23]

Eventually got it started and the engines knocking its brains out. There’s a pile of parts under a bush in the corner of the garden [emoji23] but the cage is nice and it does have brand new polycarbonate windows.

A few calls to the owner, a renegotiation on the price and were loading the car on the trailer, filling the car up with all the old bits, some harnesses and a bucket seat and heading home.

Must add that the fella and his missus were very nice, just a bit over enthusiastic to sell it on.

What have I done!
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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
So I’ve now got a road going Clio 182 which needs lots of TLC and a completely stripped out track version with a suspected knackered engine.

I’m not a welder and have little to no mechanical experience or knowledge. [emoji85]

But it’s a long term project and I’m a quick learner so time to plan ahead and call on a few friends.

First up is to get the cage and seat mounts welded into the track car. My good mates Cameron and his dad sorted this for me. Great people!


The old seat mounting points had been removed completely so we just used some square steel tubing.

The car came with an OMP TRS seat but I didn’t like it so bought my bosses old Sparco rally seat off him.


So that’s the cage, seat, harness and dashboard assembled. Now I can move it off the trailer and address that engine issue.


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Twingo 1??

ClioSport Club Member
  Twingo 133 Cup,
Dash cuts look nice and neat. You need to get the inside painted as it would look so much better. It may also of been an idea to put the seat on weld in bars as it would of future proof it if you wanted to go racing or rallying.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Dash cuts look nice and neat. You need to get the inside painted as it would look so much better. It may also of been an idea to put the seat on weld in bars as it would of future proof it if you wanted to go racing or rallying.

Cheers. These are historical photos from 2017 [emoji16] I’m just documenting it all here. The seat mounts are fine for the type of circuit racing I’m planning to do [emoji106]

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
With the seat, belts and dash in the track car I need to think about getting this engine looked at. The car is sorn and not road legal so a trailer and vehicle to tow it with is needed.

Picked up this Brian James Trailer Clubman from a lad who’d towed his Clio back and forth to race meetings so seemed ideal. Then picked up a nice Kia Sorento Diesel to tow it with.


Now I’m set up, time to get the engine checked out so it’s off to Kris Dark again and whilst it’s there get the dephaser and timing belt changed.


The timing belt and dephaser change hasn’t seemed to quieten the engine and Kris seems to think it’s the lifters sticking. So we had a look around for a spare engine with the view to changing it over if this one gives up after first Trackday.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
While I’m looking for an engine for the track car, i thought I’d tackle the awful suspension and ride on the road going 182.

With the track car now eating into my budget, I decided to try and refurbish the cup dampers but replace the Apex lowering springs.

I got a set of cup springs with the Track car which looked in pretty good condition so just cleaned up the dampers and job sorted.


I then gave the car a proper clean and it scrubbed up well, although it needs a lot of paintwork and a fair few panels, it’s prettying solid underneath. It’s a long term project so my focus in the short term is going to be the track car.


The car drives so much better.

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Time to strip the engine back on the track car and replace some parts.

Gave the engine a good flush out and replaced old hoses with MTC silicone types.


13 row Mocal oil cooler.


Replaced the gearbox and upper engine mounts with Vibra-Technics, replaced gearbox and engine oils, plugs, plug leads and gave her a good service.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
The weather took a turn for the worse and with no access to my garage I focussed my attention on brakes and suspension.


After chatting to a few friends who race in the Trackday trophy, I decided to ditch the K-Tec Coilovers already fitted to the car and go for the Spax 750 MC controlled kit with solid top mounts.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Out went the old discs and pads for a set of Brembo HC discs and Carbon Lorraine CL6 Pads.


Gave the callipers a good clean up, replaced a few parts and a lick of paint.


The rear brakes looked ok so just cleaned them up and stuck some DS2500’s in for now.


I even tackled the ARB and bushes, replacing with Strongflex Yellow series. Probably the worse job to date given it was -3 and snowing.


Finally I cleaned up the hubs, ABS rings, fitted some new wishbones with Strongflex Yellow series, new ABS sensors and braided steel lines.


Fitted new suspension and reassembled brakes. Certainly tidied things up a bit. Next job is to replace the bumpers, fit new wheels and tyres and give the inside a good lick of paint.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
The bumpers that were on the track car had been attacked with a hole saw. Now weight saving is one thing but I’m damned if I’m embarrassing myself turning up to a Trackday with those on.


It took a few weeks but I eventually managed to source a couple of decent bumpers. One in Black Gold, the other in Pearl Black. I couldn’t really tell the difference in colour and besides, it’s a track car at the end of the day.

Bought 6 Matt Black rattle cans and gave the inside a few coats.



Picked up a second hand dash pod for 20 quid which filled the holes in the centre of the dashboard and put a small net on the door card to hold my gloves [emoji23] It’s the little things that count.


Just the wheels and tyres to fit and a quick clean and she’s ready for corner balancing, tracking and geo.


Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
With the first track day looming it was time to get the car down to Track Torque Racing for corner balancing and geo set up. The guys were great and also gave the car a once over to make sure I hadn’t overlooked anything.


Looking forward to Cadwell now.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
First Trackday at Cadwell and time to shake off a few nuts and bolts. I’d picked up a PH1 engine just prior to Cadwell as a spare in case this one gave out. The car had been sat for 6 months when I bought it, so decided to give it a good old Italian tune and if it goes, it goes.

Car looked mint after a quick wipe down.


Out on track I knew that the car was pretty capable after the first few laps. First session done and everything felt great.


Then disaster struck. It was a pretty windy morning and quite gusty as you came out of Barn. Two laps into the session with foot flat on the floor and going down the straight, it all went dark [emoji85]


Bonnet up, straight into screen and then getting the tow of shame as they hauled me off the track.

At first I thought I’d left the bonnet pins up after I gave the car a once over before going out, but when I checked with the TDO he said they were down when he let me out. Then I remembered I’d already done a dozen laps in the first session and never got out the car. Photographs later revealed the pins down on one lap, then another shot on the following lap showed one of the pins up. The Marshall also said he couldn’t see any issues when I passed him.

Never known bonnet pins to fail before but a few lads said they’d seen it happen with some of the cheaper brands. I must admit it was one of the few things I never checked when preparing the car as they were already fitted. It was all a blur tbh. Lesson learned.

A bit of duck tape and a few cable ties later and I was back out although I was mentally scarred for a few laps expecting the bonnet to fly up again.


Car ran great all day, engine held up well and seemed to have quietened down a lot. Gearbox was really nice although I struggled reaching 1st and 3rd gear once I was harnessed in. It also got very hot in the car with no fan. Need to address these things before next Trackday and look at some ventilation.

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Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
When you get a new bonnet, mount the catches the opposite way so that the button release is at the top.

That way, if the latches do release the air resistance should push them down rather than lift them up like they are now.

I'm not sure if it actually works, it's just a theory 😂

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
When you get a new bonnet, mount the catches the opposite way so that the button release is at the top.

That way, if the latches do release the air resistance should push them down rather than lift them up like they are now.

I'm not sure if it actually works, it's just a theory 😂
Good theory 😁 . I’m still not sure what happened. These were proper Aerocatches so shouldn’t really come undone, unless they were incorrectly fitted by previous owner or I didn’t close the latch properly 🤷🏻‍♂️

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
With another Trackday booked in a few weeks I needed to sort the bonnet and windscreen.

After searching and ringing around scrapyards it made sense to get a new one fitted due to the risk of breaking the screen taking it out. Found a local company to fit one for £85.

Sourced a Black Pearl bonnet from a local lad in really good condition for £30 and this time fitted some heavy duty bonnet pins.


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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Next up was to deal with the gear change having struggled to reach 1st & 3rd whilst strapped in.


Picked up Pure Motorsport Shifter as I’d read pretty good reviews. Pretty straight forward to fit with an hour adjusting in small increments to get gear selection.


Looks the part too.

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Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Last mod before the cars 2nd Trackday at Cadwell was this scoop from Ally Hickling at CCF. Not keen on the design but hopefully it’ll keep the cabin a bit cooler.


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