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How do i use the aux cable!

I got one today, it was the £12 update list one, and i assume you plug it in next to the plug already there (and merge them together)!
Next question, how do i actually play the music?
  Jap Box
Id assume you play it on the ipod/whatever you use, then press the "source" button till it gets to the AUX function. Or does it replace the changer plug?

Just have a fiddle with it and find out, shouldnt take long :)

That looks fine?


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 Cup
Does it charge your ipod and can you skip albums and tracks etc? do steering controls work?
It's just a plain old Aux cable so no changing but volume works. Can't charge either as just an Aux cable, HOWEVER give MTAudio a bell, they do cables that can do both! This is where I got this cable from and would recommend them!
Mt audio do them, ters 2 aux wires you can get, depends what headunit u have, eiter tuner or update list, itsays on the headunit which one it is
Il be getting a wire off them on payday
