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  1. W

    I HATE the DVLA!

    I bought my car about 4 weeks ago and a few phonecalls later in still havnt got the V5... b*****d thing is: without it I can get the tax... therefore I cant drive it 4 weeks of just looking at it sat on the drive.... :(
  2. W

    Challenge for all you photoshoppers

    Do you have any better quality pics?
  3. W

    Before, Middle, End + Future (56k)

    Thanks... not the same as mine but Im still very tempted with those lights
  4. W

    My FCS Clio pics Is this a renault spliter? (or does anyone know what it is?)
  5. W


    Does anyone know what blue methyle 432 translates as? Im told its monaco blue... can anyone confirm this?
  6. W

    Before, Middle, End + Future (56k)

    Car looks stunning hydeyho! I was going for phase 2 rear lights but you might have just swayed me into getting a set of those ktec jobbies. Silly quesion i know but its hard to tel in the light... what colour is that blue? (if its the same as mine il definantly be getting those clusters but...
  7. W

    Front spliter 182

    do you have any pics of the cupra-r splitter McShug? cheers
  8. W

    Latest project nearly finished

    cliopete: how could integration be used on a totaly abstract shapped box? I am fine with integration and areas but on a totaly abstract shape?
  9. W

    Latest project nearly finished

    Thanks a lot for your reply hydeyho... one final thing If you are going to mount a sub upside down do you need a free air sub? or will any sub work as it is still technicaly in a box. Ok, so that wasnt the final thing (sorry)... does the shape of the box matter too? I notice that yours is...
  10. W

    Latest project nearly finished

    Im planning a project very similar too this in the near future. Im pretty good with fibreglass but not so keyyed up on audio. If you mount a sub upside down like you have, is the required box volume the same? Is there any diferance in sound depending on which way up you mount the sub? thanks...
  11. W


    Thanks a lot for the list... will be very helpfull for a lot of people Does anyone know the translation for this? BLEU METHYLE 432