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  1. R

    taking off Center console

    Doesn't matter now, Managed to get everything done
  2. R

    Newbie :)

    cheers lads, I am frm irvine scotland :D
  3. R

    Newbie :)

    Alrite folks, My names Ross. Joined the site because my girlfriend has a wee clio bought from a member on here! Lovely wee motor! On other forums all the time so thought i might aswell join this one since i will be working on the car lol Will probs make it to meets etc. Will post pics of both...
  4. R

    taking off Center console

    that would help lol, y reg 1.2 dynamique i think.
  5. R

    taking off Center console

    Dont seem to have much room behind the headunit to fiddle about with wire etc. Fitting some ice today and was wondering how you get the centre console where the heating controls are off? anyone know? Also, the speaker covers on the door cards do they just pop off? Thanks, Ross.