White Evo V
On Friday I fitted a boost gauge into the Clio. I got the smoked gauge off eBay for £10 2nd hand and it came with a plastic universal gauge holder. I was wondering where to mount it and was going to get a pillar pod but wanted something different! After some thought I had a plan - Get rid of the ashtray and cut it into shape to fit in there. So, I started by marking the curved shape of the ashtray onto the pod, I then cut it out using a dremel, and plastic welded it into place using some spare plastic I had cut off and a soldering iron! Its absolutly solid! I then used the live and earth from the cigarette lighter for the light on the gauge and plummed the vacuum line to the engine through a spare grommit! I have to say im very impressed with how it looks, it almost looks factory, so I thought id see what you guys thought?
Gauge unlit:
Gauge Lit up (looks better at night):
Gauge unlit:
Gauge Lit up (looks better at night):