An 11-hour-old thread containing ample rackage - and not a single comment yet from Lee.
FAIL from the Cannock One, tbf......
Mmm, can't say I noticed much of the wheel either. I won't upgrade the G25 but wouldn't mind trading in the wife...
Sorry guys, been really, really busy, and I set off for the Rally tomorrow night so have been busy in the evenings. Got Anthony Davidson in to see me next week.
They had to get that bird in to help present seeing as the two make presenters are dull as f**k.
I've had a G27 for a while, but haven't been allowed to talk about it as usual.
Nice try - but feeble excuse. The Lee of old would have been the one to post this thread in the first place.
What have you done with our Lee? Where have you taken him? Imposter!!!!
The only way you can be forgiven Lee, is that you've been with aforementioned busty woman from video
FFS, nothing is ever simple eh.