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Insurance Problems

Anyone have good suggestions of insurance companies to try for CUP insurance? im 20 no no-claims and have been driving for nearly 3 years as a named driver on fathers policy! Help needed! New toforum so apologise if this has been asked a million times!
  Lionel Richie

im in the same position, accept im lacking the money for the cup plus 172s/cups are a bit slow for me anyway!!!!

Theyll cover most of the big names!

Herts insurance co. (HIC) - Im not sure about them as they dont give written quotes, only verbal ones, but they are supposed to be well cheap as well as offering track day cover in the price. [edit: damn, beaten to it! ^^]

Adrian Flux - dont even go there... :mad:

Greenlight - have heard pretty good things about them

AA/RAC - hahahahahahahahahaha *thud* (that was me laughing my b*llocks off! ;))

The one with the laughing dog (durrr...) - suprisingly cheap for the ex on her valver! try them!

Hope theyre of some use. All opinions are purely my own so try them to make your own mind up. :)

Also try admiral and elephant.

Im 21 and getting quotes just the right side of £2k with no noclaims on a 172.

Trying to get a letter from work stating i drive company vehicles and have done for ~4years though. Only problem being, i just had an accident with a stupid woman driver on the M602 last week so ive gotta sort that out first.:oops:

Otherwise its just pay the right side of £2k ;)

Oh yer, ive got 3 points for speeding on the motorway - SP50 :oops:


humm good luck!!!!

LOL im 20 1 years no claims and managed to get bout 2k quotes off TESCOS and ADRIAN FLUX.

Basically everyone else laughed, hell even the "rude boy" on the phone from tesco was laughing till i gave him my card details.

I really admire all you youngies havin the balls to stump up so much money for insurance, i know i did, first car was escort rs turbo payed 3300 for car and 2500 for insurance,,,well worth it.

Its better to pay the price now for your no claims bonus than stayin on your parents as a named driver and gettin naff all...

And when the next "rude boy" from tescos has a giggle down the phone ask him if he could afford it with his job!!!!

Thanks mate.
Damn site better than drivin a punto sporting,
Anyway i do 100miles a day so its nice to do those miles a little quicker :D
  Mk4 golf gti

lol rnt liverpool victoris ne gd 4 u

im paying£1600 fully comp on ka 18 yrs old first car etc

cheapest i cud find nearest was tesco bout 50 mor but i went wiv lv coz they dnt put the premium up 2 much 4 mods etc

Quote: Originally posted by 172gal on 28 October 2003

Id try tesco! I pay £1400, 20 when i took out the policy with 1 yr NCB.

Yes BUT youre a girl!:oops:

Us blokes have to pay more :(


Just got mine down to £1069 - 23 1 yrs NCB and have had 1 accident in the past 4 years (my fault) FC

This was with Elephant you can get a quote online also Bell Direct were not far off try them

I was a name driver for 3 years i went with BHP sound dodgey but they got me insured through Eagle Red Star and when i had the accident they were really good also gave me discount due to the fact i had been a named driver for so long there number is 0870 7576969 Worth a try.

FAO S20CUP, 20 with no no claims, 2k for a year is just not worth it, its a great car, but its no ferrarri!! bite the bullet and get a couple of years NCB behind you, unless of course youre minted!!

FAO CUPGTi im 31 with 7 yrs NCB for a new 172, 515pounds fully comp with Direct Line....

Im 23 with 2yrs no claims I pay £990 with elephant.

little hint, I put my dads bint on the policy as a named driver (50+, no crashes or points) and they knocked about £400 off!!:eek: (Even tho she isnt ever gonna drive it!)

Most places simply said not till your 30 sonny!
  E36 323i coupe

Im 25, with 7years ncb, and I am paying £600 full comp on the Cup.

When I had my first car with no no claims bonus at all, I paid £1500 tpft on an £800 car... which was a bit pants.

Then sense came over me and I bought a 1.2 with a years free insurance.

Something people who havent bought such a car do not know is that they give you bonus years on the no claims if you make no claims in your year of free insurance... making it very worthwhile.

Now, finally I can afford a sports car, and afford to insure it.

If you are utterly convinced you want to go for the Cup, I would imagine you will be paying MINIMUM of £1500 insurance.

Im with Renault. Found Elephant competitive.


Tesco wouldnt give me a quote... oddly
