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My last French car show, lets hear what you thought.

Not just me who thought it was a pile of crap then.

The rivits that hold the part of th bonnet pins to the bonnet let go

from what i could gather. Massivley funny when it went up a second time.


ClioSport Club Member

I agree it was a bit pap, although as it was only down the road for me it was just good to catch up with the usual ugly mugs :)
I didn't bother this year because I thought exactly the same when I went last year.

At £23/£24 a ticket with postage taken into account it makes it around twice the price of the early bird Action Day tickets - for a show with half as much to see.

Combe car park attendants do always appear to be poor. The last 2 action days I've been accused of entering without paying. The first time because I entered at the quarry side entrance and then drove to the camp corner side and turned around when I realised I had passed my stand. An attendant shouted at me and ran infront of me insisting I'd just entered that entrance and hadn't paid. As you got no stamp or anything there was nothing to do apart from argue until he got bored. The second time was when I parked up by Deane straight, leaving my pass hooked on the mirror as requested and walked down by the side of the other entrance instead of the grass hill and was asked where my ticket was. As you only got the in car hook which you have to leave behind there was nothing to prove. Again, when I said there was nothing to take to show proof they admitted defeat and let me on my way.


ClioSport Club Member
I only went to FCS because I quite like Castle Coombe as a track, and 2 hr open pit track slots were reasonably priced. However this was a shambles, grumpy marshalls and not being able to park up adjust tyre pressure etc in the pits was a joke!
I enjoyed the weekend tbh! The CS stand was a lot smaller than I had imagined but the shop/gazebo was nice and everyone I managed to speak to was welcoming and happy to have a chat imo. However FCS marshals/security were rude and annoying as f**k, there wasn't as many traders as I had expected, and no major thing to watch like for example at Trax you had the gymkhana grid, however that didn't bother me to much as I enjoyed watching the cars go round the track. Free dodgems and race simulator was pretty good too, also enjoyed the parade lap although we did have to jump in with a different club as CS seemed to of vanished!
  Flamer, x2 19s
Yea Combe is too small, To be honest i go to FCS to catch up with everyone, (i was on Renault owners club stand btw) Its been s**t ever since it left Rockingham bar the dust!
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  Clio Williams & 182
I enjoyed it. I know what to expect so I generally go every year but mainly to see friends from all over the UK and abroad. I like showing off the Williams as well, even though it's is not perfect by any means it gives some newer people something to look at and maybe even aspire too.

The drive up and down are another highlight. This year it was me and Summeh from WC in his V6. You don't see a Williams 1 and V6 touring through the country very often so theres something for even the general public to see :) We got a few thumbs up too hehe.

After the rain, which wasn't bad, it was glorious sunshine! I had a number of really great chats to people from all over the place. Sure, as far as the French car stuff goes I've seen it all before, so yea FCS has lost it's gloss for me in that respect but that is just the way things go with everything.

I got some great photos again, and a few for the WilliamsClio/Clio16Valver site for their very hung over admin...and had a great look at some cars I want to own again such as the R5GTT Raiders.

Next year I might go on track again with the Williams after a rollcage gets sorted and show some of you young guns a thing or two :p
I agree with most of the original comments. I enjoyed mooching but the weather didn't help. Unfortunately people moaned about the drifters last year which I personally preferred so I suppose the bikes were the alternative. I don't like motor bikes so it's lost on me. I still enjoyed the day but it can be vastly improved.

as above, Oulton park was fantastic
For the cost of the ticket you exprct more.

The only real good thing was the convoy there and back.

Take it back to donnington or rockingham treble the amount of traders get some decent track entertaiment and a compare who knows that renault and citreon are two different manufacturers.
For the cost of the ticket you exprct more.

The only real good thing was the convoy there and back.

Take it back to donnington or rockingham treble the amount of traders get some decent track entertaiment and a compare who knows that renault and citreon are two different manufacturers.

I missed the convoy on the way back :( got some good photos on the way down and I'll get them up soon!


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Convoy on way back was well fairly quick lol im in love with the turbo soooo much the power is like nothing else and it actually can put it down (in the dry) if the big man sells may gave to go to the bank with a begging bowl lol
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
It was ok. Location was a bit cramped
went on track with my mate I thought the track was pants tbf. To bumpy

met some great people which made the event for me


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
It was ok. Location was a bit cramped
went on track with my mate I thought the track was pants tbf. To bumpy

met some great people which made the event for me

Are you on drugs?? Combe is a great track, one of the fastest in the UK! Did your mate just have 'epic lows' on his car though? Not actually set up properly?

It's getting re surfaced in october though. I personally think it will make for a lot more crashes. The bumps make people cautious. once it's runway smooth, people will get too confident and that's when things go wrong! lol
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Are you on drugs?? Combe is a great track, one of the fastest in the UK! Did your mate just have 'epic lows' on his car though? Not actually set up properly?

It's getting re surfaced in october though. I personally think it will make for a lot more crashes. The bumps make people cautious. once it's runway smooth, people will get too confident and that's when things go wrong! lol

Apex springs probably never helped lol But that 1st corner is dodgy as f**k
  172 Cup Jenvey'd
First corner is awesome, 120mph wet or dry with r888's haha its the last chicane and last corner which was the slippy ones for me.
  Clio v6
Once again I read poor reviews of FCS. The MD promises will return next year, bigger and better until free drugs are handed out on the gate.

Large well respected clubs such and CS ought to remove it from their events calendar for a few years.
  172 Ph1/Scooby MY00
I only went on Sunday (it cost a tenner) and I spent 4 hours looking at retro Renaults and talking to other car owners including the car owners from Brussels and Holland. It was great.

CS admin should let Castle Combe what needs to change based on what's been said.
  172 Cup & Mini C 1.6
Brilliant! Perfect for a caption competition:

"Eh guys, you remember all these car's we've been f**king up for years?

Bad news, we'll actually have to admit liability and pay for this one."

FLOL. I can watch the vid all day long
  Listerine & Poledo
Car shows like that just come across as grander-scale versions of everyone parking up in [retail park car park].

As others have said, Prescott, goodwood, some BTCC, any of these are a better way to spend equal sums of money.
Yes shall be doing btcc from now on i think.

Still can't get over that bloke they had doing wheelies on a moped lol.

Utter s**t. Waste of time and money.
The only good thing about them is to catch up with some folk who you rarely see, but as no one seems to go now, it turns out they weren't there anyway.
And I saved myself the time effort & monies by not going. Winner!
The last good one was 2009 IMO.
That's probably the last one I went too, where I rocked up at about 12 & left at 2, best one ever.


ClioSport Club Member
I haven't been for a couple of years, Rockingham was good but windy!

The best part was the piss up the night before.


ClioSport Moderator
I really enjoyed the track last year. Great fast track, but then it was glorious sunshine.

Shame it wasn't good this year. Plus last year CS had a dreadful location.

Don't know about this year?


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
Once again I read poor reviews of FCS. The MD promises will return next year, bigger and better until free drugs are handed out on the gate.

Large well respected clubs such and CS ought to remove it from their events calendar for a few years.

We are always looking for new shows to attend to be honest, one of the reasons we started CSS was because we didn't like some aspects of the other shows, and wanted to do our own thing.

If there were more options then we would certainly look at attending them either in addition or as an alternative. We'd also like a good winter show (obviously somewhere that has indoor facilities) as it's a bit pants that the clubs social events are all within about 3 months of the year, then nothing for 9 months.

We had a crap stand location last year, and Mark improved that for us this year. Unfortunately the space we were given for over 60 cars at the weekend was way too small, causing a number of parking issues and trapping people in when they wanted to leave.

I'm sure we will feedback our members opinions if asked. FCS used to hold a post FCS meeting to get feedback from club admins, but I don't think that happens any more (or if it does we're not invited lol).
