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The GoPro Thread


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Just got my first one. Mine is just an older version - HD Hero .. but does the job for now.

Anyone else use theirs apart from filming track days ?! :eek:

Working out the menu system took a couple of stabs but I'm there now .. and just done my first time lapse (all 13 seconds of it !!!).

Got any tips, questions or videos you've made yourself ?

Here's my first attempt anyway:

Anyone know how to get YT to always watch in HD !? there used to be a url shortcut but that doesn't seem to work any more.

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Its down to what each user has set in their prefs, they can choose to always load HD if available iirc. &hd=1 was the more recent one which seems to only work on some videos also. Pretty silly really!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Bought a 3 just before christmas, it's quality little toy.
  172 and vw passat
I love my gopro. never update it tho as heard they go buggy on updates. iv got hero2 btw.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Been out for a leisurely 5 mile loop around here tonight..


GoPro MTB by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr



ClioSport Club Member
I really want one to use when biking and in the car. I will get one eventually. I like the time lapse vid ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  BG 182
I've got a hero 2. Use it for track days really.

How do you do that time lapse video? Wouldn't mind trying something like that.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep

That was a pic every 2 seconds .. (flashing - not solid - camera pic/photo mode).

Bung it into CineFormStudio and convert it into a .mov .. Simpulz ;)


ClioSport Club Member
I don't have a GoPro but I have a simar sort of action camera that does the job perfectly, but I won't spam the thread dedicated to GoPro's with bumper mounted exhaust videos.


ClioSport Club Member

Time laps of me and some friends doing PAS and Fan belt on my Vitara. Took ages because one bolt wouldnt come out! Blow torch made an appearance at 4 mins but I would be surprised if anyone makes it that far through. Also use my GoPro for car videos but it seems to be very "rattely"!!
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ClioSport Club Member
I am hoping to get the new GoPro3 very soon. Admittedly I've no idea when it comes to videography but I enjoy dabbling so... Anyways, here's a couple of vid's from a while back that I shot using my mate's GoPro HD Hero jobby. I remember feeling quite nervous and hoping that it wouldn't fall off along the way.

I'm hoping to get some new and better footage once I get my upgraded Trophy back. Can't wait! :D
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  Ph2 Clio 172
Got one mainly for track days. Helmet mounted cameras give much more interesting videos that the rather sterile fixed headrest mount I used to use.

Took it paintballing too, which was quite cool. And karting.

The only problem is that I end up with hours of footage of which only very small bits are really worth doing anything with. A mate of mine has 4 that he used in various setups (he's the one in the Karting vid with 2 on his helmet!), and thinks he has about 500GBs of unedited footage!

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ClioSport Club Member
I want my videos to be like Sharky's but I get a really loud rattling noise that ruins the video. Ive already sent one Gopro back and got a new one but its just as bad! Any advice folks?
  Ph2 Clio 172
Do you use the waterproof case or the skeleton back door?

And what king of rattling? GoPros are held quite tightly in the case so it won't be from that. It will be from a mount or something loose. Have you used the little white anti vibration thing?


ClioSport Club Member
Either back door mate.

Il upload a video to show you the rattling. It happens with both the suction mount and the sticky mounts with the wee white "nose piece" in as well.



ClioSport Club Member
Bought my 3 before my snowboarding trip to Morzine this year. Absolutely love it!

Here's what I put together. (Turn it up to HD as usual).

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  Ph2 Clio 172
Snowboarding/Skiiing is a great subject for GoPros. The abundance of light and vibrant colours make for great videos.
  Ph2 Clio 172
Either back door mate.

Il upload a video to show you the rattling. It happens with both the suction mount and the sticky mounts with the wee white "nose piece" in as well.

Thats odd. You can hear the few points where the mount rattles or the case hits the bumper, so its not that. Sounds like an internal static thing?

​What model is it?


ClioSport Club Member
Bought my 3 before my snowboarding trip to Morzine this year. Absolutely love it!

Here's what I put together. (Turn it up to HD as usual).

I love Morzine! Such an awesome place, decent video too.

Got my Hero 3 back in November, haven't actually properly used it yet.

I thought of a million different things I could use it for before I bought it, haven't actually put any of those ideas into practice. Fail!


ClioSport Club Member
Thats odd. You can hear the few points where the mount rattles or the case hits the bumper, so its not that. Sounds like an internal static thing?

​What model is it?

Original HD hero. I know the big knocks are the mount on the bumper which I understand. Im starting to wonder now if its the start/stop button on the top thats vibrating as ive seen a few videos online! Its very frustrating and a very irritating noise!


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Jiggle your camera about out of the cage, then do the same when it's locked in the cage. See if you can hear anything ?

I'm with you on the 'it's a GoPro feature' sort of noise...

