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The lost art of overtaking!

  130i, 306 hdi, vrs

Why is it that when over taking slow fools( who dont Know that the speed limit on a single carriage is 60mph) feel the need to flash their lights at you in anger after you have overtaken them signaling in and out where its safe to do so? dont know why it bothers me as i should be concentrating on passing the next tender foot but it does. rant probably not over

its more annoying when they stick full beam on, but it doesnt bother ya for long! usually out of sight pretty quickly!! ;)
  130i, 306 hdi, vrs

sometimes they even speed up still giving it which makes me wonder why they were going so slow in the first place/ or maybe they just found forth gear

I got people in a fiesta goin slow, I overtook, then he put his foot down to overtake me again and slowed down once more, overtook him again and he never caught up with me (was on the twisties on a country lane then). No idea why theres people like that on the road, and the full beam people are just as bad

[Edited by Nightfire on 3/30/2005 3:11:44 AM]

the other ones that piss me off are when you over take and theirs a mile between you and the cars coming the other way. you over take one car and the car coming the other way flashes you as if to say what the f**k are you doing. the thing is by the time they have flashed you you have pulled back in and saftly on your side of the road that really gets to me. would like to pull them over and ask why they flashed.
  RB182cup&golf gti

i was driving to work in the AX this morning and some prick in a clio mk 1 (hahahah - no one off here hopefully) undertook me, there was bugger all room in front of me and then he jumped in front of me - the old red mist decended, tried creating myself a third lane and doing the same back whilst giving him a few friendly signs, before coming to my senses!

I overtook a line of 8 cars stuck behind this tw*t at the front of the queue on a perfectly clear stretch of road, pulled in behind him for a bend then came back out and went past. Why the fcuk he felt he should try to blind me as I came into a double-white-line blind bend I dont know - really fcuked me off. You can tell he was driving too slowly due to the line of traffic that had built up behind him. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  Octavia VRS

I know what you mean about this, its happened to me a few times. Last time a VW Passat did it to me minutes after I had overtaken him, maybe he was so old he had forgotten how to flash!

But I did it to an Almera not that long ago just because he was a tw*t. Driving along a 40mph zone going into a residential 30 and he decides to overtake me there! I was going 40 so wasnt going slow or anything. When we got into a 50 after the 30 zone, he decides to stay at 40!! So just sat on his bumper until I decided I was being a fanny and went another route!
  BMW 320d Sport

I agree with everything here. They should have a rule - if you have a line of more than five cars behind you, get off the road, youre too slow. But that will never happen with this government - they WANT everything to be slow.

I think the roads are more dangerous now than theyve ever been? Why? Because everywhere around the country, our lovely A and B roads with normal 60 mph limits are being gradually eroded down to 50s, 40s and in some cases even 30s for no other reason that it is cheaper than maintaining quality road surfaces and also gives the local council the option of putting in speed cameras later. And the end result of all this 40mph madness on the open roads? The vast majority of people who were happy to bumble along at 55-65 on an empty A or B road, now have to crawl along at 40 because of some tw*t at the front. Everyones pulling out into oncoming traffic, overtaking agressively, because otherwise you could spend your whole day in a line of traffic. I have seen plenty of near misses due to impatient overtakers who end up with no option but to try and get past 3 or 4 cars in a row because everyone else is bunched up so close behind the tw*t at the the front.
  Pug 306 GTi-6

I hate the ones that go slow until you get right next to them and then they speed up as u r going past them!!!! Grrrrr :mad:
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Who cares if they flash. Let them. I hope they have an anurism (sp) from the stress it caused them. They certainly cause us enough having to poodle along behind them.

Its even worse when its not safe to overtake and you HAVE to sit behind the nearly dead grandad infront.

Re-test at 65 any one??
  Ziel Nurburgring

I hate the idiots that have one speed, 40 in a 30, 40 in a 40 and 40 in a 60.

Soon enough they will drop the speed of the Mway to an american matching 55mph, even though cars are a million times safer for drivers/peds than ever before and that the actual stopping distance is probably half of what it was with current breaking technology. I seem to remember one of the driving programs going twice the speed and still stopping inside the highway code recomended stopping distance.

I wouldnt worry though, give it 5 years and cars will be limited to the legal maximum speed limit your travelling through by GPS chips in the ECU.
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

Goverment stopping distance reccomendations are based on a Ford Anglia...

Braking distance is nonsense any way. Theres SO many variations that can cause a car to stop in more or less of a distance. Even two identicle cars.
  black golf v6 4 motion

i hate the fookers who sit in the outside lane for ages for no reason i am talking 1 or 2 miles clear infront of them in all lanes and they still sit there, then when undertook (i know its illegal) have the cheek to flash and toot there horn bast***s
  300bhp MR2 Turbo

I admitt I prob caused some one some concern the other day and he flashed me. I was sitting in a slip road that leads on to the A13. (70mph dual carriageway)

I knew he was coming but also knew I could very easily match his speed before he got to me so nailed it. As he was flashing me I was pulling away from his so I was right. But he prob didnt know I could get up to speed so quick. My bad.

I should have flashed my hazards but was holding on too tight as I over hit the mark and was doing about a tonne by then.
  E91 M Sport

But lowering the speed limit generally helps congested roads run more freely. At the moment in the rush hour, people go as quick as they can, and then slam on their brakes, this causes the person on their rear bumper to do the same and it dominos all the way back....

If everyone drives at 55mph, then this would be much less likely and you would actually find that traffic flows more smoothly.

Im not gay or owt, its just the way this country is now the motorways / dual carridgeways are so congested.

How about huge queue of cars behind some slow git at the front and they have no intention of overtaking but they then bunch right up so you cant do the safe thing of overtaking them one at a time, you have to do 3 or 4 at once. Really gets me that, caravans are a prime example of this, funnily enough professional drivers (truckers) always seem to leave a reasonable gap...
  Cup 172

My favorite technique involves the controversial "on corner manouvere". Find a corner that you can see all the way round (downhill hairpins are best), then stick it down the inside. For some reason that always upsets Arthur and Ethel in their Rover 400. However, as long as you can see, the road has broken white lines and you get alongside them before turn in (so they dont turn in on you), seems fair to me...
  Cup 172


If you are in a slower car, its sometimes the only way as dad in his Passat tends to go just fast enough in a staright line to prevent you getting past...

Not a problem in the Cup, but it can be in r lasses 1.2...
  Yamaha R6

yea i have to say I get this alot. Doesnt really bother me though... ive got tinted windows so full beams dont do fcuk. =] I overtake.. proceed infront of them at 20mph... and when they do decide to overtake I speed up so they cant because theyre usually in some old P reg mondeo.
  Cup 172

Another of my favorites, is to put someone to the sword, get them angry, then when you enter the next village slow down to 30... thats the rigth way to do things, cos i dont mind putting the car into a field, but I dont want to hit a kid...

Discovery dad does 45 everywhere, so this is bound to annoy him...

yeah as blink172 says they are the worst. 40 everywhere. you over take them before a 30 then get in front of them and when ya hit the 30 they get pissed of with you because you are doing 30 in a 30 so thay sit right on your ass. best thing to do is when you leave the 30 stay @ 30mph just to piss them of even more.


ClioSport Moderator

Quote: Originally posted by Aust1n on 30 March 2005

yea i have to say I get this alot. Doesnt really bother me though... ive got tinted windows so full beams dont do fcuk. =] I overtake.. proceed infront of them at 20mph... and when they do decide to overtake I speed up so they cant because theyre usually in some old P reg mondeo.

Another one that annoys me is the people who speed up when im trying to overtake them. This is illegal and really dangerous on single lane roads.

Another one that gets to me is today on the motorway I was behind a brand new bmw 318 that was hoggint the fast lane. When he saw me behind in that looked like a normal clio he went into the middle lane and tried to speed away and make me look a tw*t. Occasionally I deal with people like this by matching their speed till they either slow back down or get boxed in by a middle laner, then gun it away before theyve even lane changed

I cant beleive that in all these threads not one has mentioned the Nissan Micra. Are they limited to 32 mph or what . Whatever I am driving , The Van , the 182 or the m5 its always some pensionable old tw4t in a Micra clogging up the road 19 in a 30 , 25 in a 40 , and 32 on dual carriageways. If I were King I would blow up the lot of them , Micras , not pensioners Although !!!!

i just undertake any tw*t lane hogging. if i get pulled i say i was simply keepin the flow of traffic moving not holding it up like that tw*t. any decent copper should see the point!

Dont even get me started, lovley A road to uni each day, you can easily hit 3 digits down it (joking ;-)) in the wee small hours, and you get peoipel that insist at sitting at 50, now long this road there are possibly 10+ over taking spots, one night comming back massive line of traffic, and no one is over taking, so me, followed by a mondao estate and a jag proceed over the course of about 5 miles to over take about 30 cars, 3/4 at a time, get to the front of the queue and there are 2 old people in a row sat behind another old parson, preventing anyone wiht a slowish car over taking, sheer madness

Quote: Originally posted by Ben j on 30 March 2005

i just undertake any tw*t lane hogging. if i get pulled i say i was simply keepin the flow of traffic moving not holding it up like that tw*t. any decent copper should see the point!
At ngiht i just sit behind them and put my 100w rally soec bulbs on full beam

i was overtakin some slow vans through the new forest (not in the main animal bit obviously!) on the a35 through it. to be fair they were only doing like 35 mph. 2 transits with about 2 transits space between em both too. nice bit of straight so went past one and thought ah, ill do the other too! i could see the car comin in the distance and would easily make it!

anyway the car comin in the distance flashed me a couple of times as it was gettin closer, i pulled in with ages to spare but as it passed it was a copper! oops! althou i dont even think i got to 70mph even, just the vans were going slow but i prob looked fast to him! luckily he didnt turn around!


ClioSport Club Member

^^^^ lucky ^^^^^^

i am not gonna post about overtaking people and people that annoy me as all that annoies me has already been stated, but i will tell a story,

i was on the way to uni and just coming out of town in a 40 following a coach. it was on a slight bend but i looked up the inside and it was clear, checked behind and it was clear so i overtook, got back in a bit to close to a blind bend, scared myself a bit and thought i shouldnt have done that (no flash from the coach driver)

anyway further down the road i overtook a van, whilst overtaking a mondeo was tailgating me i pulled in after overtaking and then the mondeo cut me up, soi flashed him, he then wacked his brakes on in a 60 to a halt, (i almost hit him), he then drove on.

later we got stuck in traffic and he was directly infornt of me, he then got out, come back to my car and tried to open the door, (i have a clifford so he couldnt) and said

"open your f**king door"
"i am not opening it if you are going to hit me"
"open your f**king door"

i downed the window slightly at which point he said

"dont f**king flash me you c**t, i saw you overtake that bus, your the dangerous driver"

i was stumped and suprised didnt know how to argue back, he then said

"obviously you are from shepton to, so you better watch your back"

got the number plates but have only seen him once again, asshole

^^^Some people are sooo charming!

Re - the people talking about braking distances being out of date etc. Correct - they are for modern cars. But the Ford Anglia that they are based on is still driving up and down our roads every day. You wouldnt like it if it were the car behind you that wrote off your shiny new 182 because he was driving too fast and too close.

Dont get me wrong. I hate almost everything that has been said here. Ive done most of it (good and bad) in my day, but at the end of the day getting aggressive is just going to get you into trouble. Youll either get a punch for your troubles at the next set of lights or worse, youll stop concentrating on the road infront and end up in a field, tree or front of a truck!

Just my 2p worth
  "Navy" N17 TWO

i got this in my 1.4rt - a realy bad night on a 60mph road - some fool doing 35 in a corsa

came into a 40mph zone and he slowed to about 15-20! - I seen the road was clear and proceeded to overtake. he increased his speed and a van behind me had closed in on the corsa so I couldnt return.

managed to make the overtake with a drop of the gears- full beam and hazards flashing! Just turned around the next corner to have 2 40 ft lorries pass us! :eek: I pulled over for at least 10 mins - shocked and stunned :cry:.

Wierd thing was - the part of the road where I overtook the corsa was just opposite my m8s grave.

For the fools that overtake me when I am already at the limit - I try to take no notice unless I see them acting carlessly towards other drivers including me. If someone does manage to light my fuse - I report their plate to traffic branch!
  Fiesta Zetec S (for sale)

Quote: Originally posted by eo52vug on 30 March 2005

Why is it that when over taking slow fools( who dont Know that the speed limit on a single carriage is 60mph) feel the need to flash their lights at you in anger after you have overtaken them
The father-in-law does this religiously so I asked him why at the weekend. His response was that it was good custom and that hed always done so to let the person overtaking know that it was now safe to pull in. He is old though so it probably goes back to the early days of motoring. TBH though there are and if trends continue there will be more old folk on the road so expect more of the same. Unless of course Bliar bring in compulsory euthenasia at retirement age.

Overtaking should be part of the driving test and so should the art of getting out of the way if you are holding up traffic.

Recently I was going down a twisty B road when an old bloke in a Fiesta pulled out in front of me, I had to brake to avoid hitting him, he then drove at 30mph (in a 60 zone) for 10 miles before I could overtake, by this time there was a long line of traffic behind him. I beeped as I pass and tried to show him the long line of traffic behind him, he smiled and waved, oblivious!

When I was in South Africa, you were expected to get out of the way for faster cars.

Oh, and the flashing, they are just showing how impressed they are by your driving skills ;)
