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Recent content by 182storm

  1. 1

    182 crash

    right.... i've got a pic of my car. how do i get it on here??
  2. 1

    182 crash

    got a call from the garage fixing my car, the drive shaft has snapped and there is some damage to my susspension, new wing, bumper, lights and wheel. so could have been worse. no pics tho' ohh yes, i got a letter from the womans insurance company. they are claiming against ME for the damage to...
  3. 1

    182 crash

    i've got the full story from the police. the sun was shining on the front of my car and she thought i was indicating to turn left (on to a slip road she was turning into) so she went. she's just passed her driving test! my indicator wasn't on. I'm now sat here in agony and my youngest daughter...
  4. 1

    182 crash

    airbags. thanks all i'm going for a well earned bath!
  5. 1

    182 crash

    i'm praying it will be a write off, cars never look the same after a repaire. luckly enough their was an ambulance driver on his way to work behind me in his car and he took over, i wasn't allowed out of the car as i had neck pain. the police got all the details and witnesses. all three of us...
  6. 1

    182 crash

    thanks. she hit the front and the drivers wing has been demolished, to be honest i didn't want to look. my husband said he couldn't move it as the drivers wheel had been pushed right back.
  7. 1

    182 crash

    I've just had a crash. i was going round 40mph down a main rd when a woman going the opposite direction, waiting to cross my side of the road thought she would just go and needless to say smashed straight into me myself and my two girls have whiplash and bruising. the strange thing is not 1 of...
  8. 1

    182 Tyres

    I am going to stick with them, i've done 23k and they still have loads of life left in them (atleast another 5k) i've been quoted £85.00 fitted at my local garage, so shop around!
  9. 1

    trade my 182 for trophy

    Cheers all. im going to keep my 182. dealer offfered me 8500 for mine so its going to cost me 5k for a trophy. touch wood ive had no problems with my baby so ill let her stay a bit longer..:D
  10. 1

    trade my 182 for trophy

    without sounding too much like a girl (i am) what is sachs suspension?
  11. 1

    trade my 182 for trophy

    Should i trade my 182 for a 182 Trophy? Ive phoned my dealer and he recons theres about 100 left. Can anyone tell me the exact difference from my 182 with full cup pack to what the trophy has.
  12. 1

    182 in snow/ice

    lol, i can just see myself in a 2cv, cheers all, ill leave my baby in the drive till all the snow clears.
  13. 1

    Lee’s 182 exhaust....the story continues.

    :o did you hit him? i would have
  14. 1

    182 in snow/ice

    well i have got the cup pack so i expected to have a bit of trouble, but i did expect it to move! cant have everything i suppose;) The bright side is, im saving petrol, but its costing my other half a fortune!!
  15. 1

    182 in snow/ice

    no honestly. i live out in the sticks, im used to getting to work in the snow. i had a bmw which was better.