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    • riz
      riz reacted to Brigsy's post in the thread Iain C's super cheap 200 t with Wow Wow.
      Looks decent, how much did you give for it? I was offered a 14reg one in ly for £4500 a couple of weeks ago. Was tidy too.
    • riz
      riz reacted to Gally's post in the thread The New Phone Thread with Like Like.
      Are you a 60 year old gran?
    • riz
      riz reacted to Flat Eric's post in the thread The New Phone Thread with Like Like.
      Try and get used to Gestures. I've used it for years now. Feels like it gives you more screen space too
    • riz
      riz replied to the thread The New Phone Thread.
      I don't think I really use many of the Samsung features tbh. Even split screen and pop up etc I rarely use. Never use the stylus...
    • riz
      riz reacted to Gally's post in the thread The New Phone Thread with Like Like.
      Interested to hear your thoughts. I would probably end up smaller pro. Have this weird weird hankering for a smaller phone .. weirdly...
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