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Recent content by Daz16v

  1. D

    flip screen

    more money than sense is all i can say lol, strip it all out al! btw if you want some leather speak to platsy or myself as we both have leather interiors for sale ;)
  2. D

    leeds182 crossgates

    saw you today as i was on my way back to leeds festival.... tryed to wave after i realised it was you lol;)
  3. D

    How low does she go

    lol thats low martin, you know how low it is or is it a ruff guess? so no problems with anything rubbing or anything? ill be on ph2 wheels until iv got the cash for some 17s.....
  4. D

    How low does she go

    ok im just trying to get a bit of advice on how much i should lower my valver, my last one was about right but iv got a set of coil overs for my new one and im not too sure if i should leave them at 60mm or 40mm for the front and 50mm or 90mm for the back on the torsion bar.... Im also worried...
  5. D

    White Valver in Colton, Leeds

    lol im trying but i forgot how to shrink my pic!!! any help would be great! my old one(red one) i had for a year and i got spotted once! guess white just stands out more
  6. D

    White Valver in Colton, Leeds

    lol prolly, driving to bradford and back every day is killing me in petrol... ill have to stop and say ey up next time
  7. D

    White Valver in Colton, Leeds

    lol yeah it was me and yes the boot it method was used, i remember seeing the black 182 at the pump thinking, im sure i know that car. leeds182, remember a red clio with williams wheels? well those are...
  8. D

    how not to stack your clio.....

    well thanks for your condolances and such and the odd commemt about driving like a mailto:tw@t">tw@t but your right i was being stupid and like i said, lesson learnt. now, insurance... they know iv had an accident but no claim has been processed so i might be able to pay the guy and not have...
  9. D

    how not to stack your clio.....

    gunna have to claim plus im only tpft... the guy whos hedge iv messed up wants a grand! lucky if he gets 250 quid from me but if he wants to fight with my insurers then let him go for it ;) wish i could get a loan for a new one as i love that car to bits but its just too much...was my first...
  10. D

    how not to stack your clio.....

    yeah its a write off the metal around the sun roof has buckled so im guessing the chassis is bent! went round a corner too fast lost the back end so i tryed to correct it but i just couldnt catch it... by the time id got into a straight line id hit the curb which spun me a bit, then the hedge...
  11. D

    how not to stack your clio..... going to work this morning got a bit over eager while cornering and found myself sideways and back to front in a hedge.... lesson learnt me thinks! :(
  12. D

    hillpower prices

    aye good point forgot about that, ill give him a ring in the new year
  13. D

    hillpower prices

    carlisle? not quite where i was thinking but hey if i cant find anywhere around here then maybe... thanks for link Willy, very handy, just put a stop to all my future plans until i rob a bank!!!!
  14. D

    hillpower prices

    ok stan, you from leeds? know of anyone? ;)gotta start somewhere! martin, see thats the thing, i had my fan switch replaced at a garage in scotland near my place of work and when i came back down to leeds and got stuck in traffic, i found out that they handnt fixed it!!!! overheated like a...
  15. D

    hillpower prices

    ok, so what im getting at is, i dont know of any reputable garage in leeds as iv only just got a car.... i dont want to send my pride and joy off to some cowboys