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Recent content by DrR

  1. DrR

    "The" Glacier White R27

    He ended up keeping it, still owns it.
  2. DrR

    Esim for europe holidays

    I use a swim on ID mobile(three) alongside my normal contract and sin on 1p mobile (EE) I get 32gb a month in Europe on ID and 12gb on 1p
  3. DrR

    TP-link Deco Reoccurring Issue

    Correct me if I’m wrong but hotspot is wrong? What happens if you move from range of one deco to another it will drop the connection?
  4. DrR

    TP-link Deco Reoccurring Issue

    I’ve got three X55s been using them just over a year now, no issues.
  5. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    Look on Uswitch, never seen anywhere cheaper.
  6. DrR

    The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

    Saw this the other day. That number plate!
  7. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    Now this has confused me cos EE is far more expensive than anyone else?
  8. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    Amazes me how people have such different experiences, I swear by EE, not used another network that comes close. Had 4 different phones with 4 different numbers across family members on O2, might aswell not have a phone they’re that bad.
  9. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    It uses O2, so for from me I’d say no as O2 doesn’t work anywhere in the UK apart from Stoke.
  10. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    Ohhhh didn’t know they did eSIM, might give them a try now.
  11. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    We bought this a few weeks back.
  12. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    If you do get it, let me send you a referral link, cheeky £5 credit each 🤣
  13. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    They do other contracts, just that one does me. Has EU roaming too.
  14. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    Have a look at 1p mobile, they use EE, £10 for 25gb, not the cheapest but at least you can actually use the data.
  15. DrR

    Mobile Phone Contract Thread.

    I echo all of the above 02 doesn’t work anywhere apart from Stoke on Trent from my experience. I have a dual sim iPhone 13pro Here are my speed results in Manchester with full 5G. This isn’t a one off either