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Recent content by FirePHoenixCTk

  1. F

    From 1.2 to 2.0 (New Car)

    im sure i posted a reply in this post.. but here goes again. Im glad u finally got your new car, its been and exciting journey and youve been very xcited about getting it. and im also excited at the fact that i get to test drive it today :D
  2. F

    My new Monaco Blue 172 (56k)

    finally dude... after months of excitement :D im excited too, wana know why? cause i get a test drive on tuesday :D
  3. F

    Jonaldinho - The Story So Far

    nice vid man. I remember most of it, which is weird since iv only known u for like 2 years. And thanks for putting the only pug in the whole vid :D
  4. F

    New Wheelies!

    look nice man, shame your copying me though :P
  5. F

    My bad luck continues

    poor jonny, and at a time when funds are low too, not good at all
  6. F

    My new gaming system, what you all think?

    wow nice systems guys. im still on my mobile! upgrading about april/may time.
  7. F

    Upgrading the pc again!

    try selling the balistix as 2 seperate 1gb sets instead of a 2gb set, i think you could make more from that. But at a total rough estimate about 300-500. The 6800ultra was about 400 quid when it first came out iirc but that was long gone now. Let us know how much you get it for eh?
  8. F

    Is anyone running SLi?

    dual 512 gtx is just overkill atm especially with the price. And i agree with what woodentop said.
  9. F

    crash :(

    nice... in a way.
  10. F

    crash :(

    i sure hope your right. ^^^
  11. F

    crash :(

    hopefully not. All i know is that i gota pay like 500quid excess..
  12. F

    crash :(

    I crashed into the woman in front of me . All i saw was that the woman put her brakes on,so i slammed mine and bam, i slid. I had come straight off the roundabout or practically was still on it before i saw what happened. When everyone got out the car they all agreed it was some stuoid idiots...
  13. F

    Speeding Video

    hah nice one
  14. F

    Gumball Rally Type Thing for Cancer Research UK

    im up for this. Depending on what days its on. Il bring along my 206.
  15. F

    Battlefield 2 Match Now Arranged

    yeah probably darren s. I dont kno why people dont play medic though its fun. Engineer is more sucky though. I play spec ops and anti tank mostly.