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Geddes's latest activity

  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Battlefield 2025.
    i was in the que for a bit and then left, was around 76,000, was going very very slow would of gone all the way through the night
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Battlefield 2025.
    got pre alfa footage at the end and it looks sick, the player movement mechincs does look like BF4 and the RPG hitting the building...
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    was on a roll this morning for a bit, made a few £100k, thought they be a lot of time trials but they were only 2, got a Silver on the...
  • Geddes
    Geddes reacted to N0ddie's post in the thread Battlefield 2042 with Like Like.
    New Battlefield info coming this afternoon apparently...
  • Geddes
    Geddes reacted to Matt Cup's post in the thread Gran Turismo 7 with Like Like.
    Getting gold on all of the tracks circuit experience gives good payouts.
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    Ok thanks I’ll have a look, I had a Quick Look on Kie’s videos, saw one and he was on Time Trial to get the 2million , is this the only...
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    I need some money on the game, only got about £1m. What races are quick n easy to rack up cash?
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    looks like that's worked, champion thank you. I'm currently on Cafe Menu Book No29
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    I’ll do this tomorrow, thanks
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    I’m on now and just finished a world circuit 4 lap race , that went ok and went on to the other cafe race for the Route X and again it...
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Gran Turismo 7.
    Jumped on GT7 again and it crashed twice. Bit of a joke even with the new update
  • Geddes
    Geddes reacted to R3k1355's post in the thread The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles] with Like Like.
    You won't be upgrading that much, the motherboard is AM4. You'll run the risk of bottlenecking GPU's as that's not even an amazing CPU...
  • Geddes
    Geddes replied to the thread Battlefield 2042.
    well past couple days, been on and off and almost off it been tweeking some settings, some need a little work. here's a video from...