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Recent content by jayuksh

  1. J

    Silly Question

    yer, sounds good, will be a month or so before i can start thinking about making the fine purchase, but thanks for the help :)
  2. J

    Silly Question

    tbh my 106 at moment is a 1.1, im not too bothered about speed, a 1.2 would be good, also low on insurance would be great. Basically want a basic clio, that looks nice, nice to drive.
  3. J

    Some Advice Needed On An Old Clio

    was looking at that earlier on ebay, looks in good condition, im new to cars myself. Id check the insurance, and maybe ask the guy if you can have a view of it first, maybe a test drive.
  4. J

    Silly Question

    lol like i said, rubbish on cars. Something like that would be great. Cheers for the advice :)
  5. J

    Silly Question

    yer, might take my older brother, he knows bits about cars, im thinking maybe getting something like this...
  6. J

    Silly Question

    steering wheel. right ill look out for that haha
  7. J

    Silly Question

    anything else to look out for ?
  8. J

    Silly Question

    right thanks ill look out for that :)
  9. J

    Silly Question

    Hello Im not too clued up on cars tbh, ive been driving a few month, i currently have a pug 106 but looking to buy a clio 182 soon. I have been looking around the net for prices etc, what does Cat D mean ? Thanks
  10. J

    Dodgy! - Check this out!

    hmm looks like he's got contacts, seems to be able to get them for other cars too, ebay probly dont know about it.
  11. J

    A few pics i took in town earlier...

    Hi New to the site, just looking through a few pics. Thinking about getting a clio myself, black obviously :p i like yours, very nice :D