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Recent content by PoppinCherries

  1. P


    Got mine last week as Very was doing a good deal. Disk version with a game for £430, and they had a £30 off code aswell so paid 400 all in. Don’t know if it’s still on the deal but think the code was treat30
  2. P

    Home cctv and phone apps? recommendations please!

    Had my ColorVu for 3 years now and never missed a beat. Even the app has been faultless.
  3. P

    What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?

    Dannydc2- raw, get what you see with him. Matt Armstrong- intriguing ripping cars apart and rebuilding etc. Mr JWW- takes you behind the scenes with a lot of places, some really interesting stuff Driftworks- abit like Danny but with a bigger wallet. EvilGT- started off alright but feel like...
  4. P

    Home cctv and phone apps? recommendations please!

    I’ve also got the Hikivison ColourVu cameras and I can’t recommend them enough.
  5. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Interesting if accurate
  6. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Why do you hate xrp?
  7. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    If you think it’s to only to buy drugs you really need to do some research. You need to look into where crypto is going and what’s it’s intention is to be used for. Other than run the financial system for the next 100 years. Well without crypto you wouldnt really have a blockchain, which is...
  8. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Crypto is no different to the .com boom in the 90’s. it’s just new technology that people don’t understand and the older generation don’t like the change. People was scared back then to even make an email address, and to put your bank card details online to buy something was a no no. But fast...
  9. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Definitely, depending on what he’s invested in. There’s over 14,000 crypto’s, 99% are complete crap and will not exist soon once regulations come in, but the 1% of tokens that have utility or a function will survive. So if he’s invested in dogecoin etc then bad decision, if he’s done his...
  10. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Yes I understand what your saying, he’s down on last year etc, there’s not many people that isn’t tbh. But if you think this is the end of crypto or as good as it gets your very wrong. When ISO20022 etc kicks in it will be a multi trillion dollar industry 100fold which is why I say if he...
  11. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    But then if he’s invested wisely in the right crypto’s he’ll be fine aslong as he’s willing to hold and ride the storm. Crypto is not going anywhere and prices will rise again in due course.
  12. P

    Bitcoins (and other crypto currencies)

    Can buy on Kraken again now aswell.
  13. P

    Alien green 200 price

    13k! 👀 I paid 12k for mine, same spec but with 15k miles on it nearly 10 years ago from a dealer!! Crazy! Guessing it doesn’t have recaros either going by the advert?
  14. P

    Dark Blue Phase 1 172 near Leighton Buzzard

    Ahhhh, that explains why it was on 2 wheels coming round the corner then..😏🤣