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Recent content by Stuflac

  1. S

    Nintendo Switch

    Cheers gents, I'll get that ordered
  2. S

    Nintendo Switch

    The part beneath the joystick (still called that?) has broken. The top of it has sheared off, meaning it doesn't hold the joystick in properly. Left, down, and right are fine, but up is really slow, and if you push it for too long it pops out.
  3. S

    Nintendo Switch

    Anyone got any spare controllers they want rid of before I buy elsewhere? Lad has broken one of his.
  4. S

    What's your favourite car related YouTube channel?

    How does this place work? I assume they have some heavy investors behind them? It was an interesting watch, but couldn't help feeling 'What's the point?' as it just seems a bit of a waste.
  5. S

    I'm back, 11 years later with a different Clio & country!

    Was speaking to my Aunt the other week. They have two bars / restaurants in Nelson and she says the last few years have been horrendous business wise, since covid. They are just about staying afloat.
  6. S

    I'm back, 11 years later with a different Clio & country!

    Clios on NZ open roads must be great. Where abouts in Auckland are you? I stayed with family in Manurewa years ago.
  7. S

    The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

    They're parked opposite one of my new sites, so will see if they ever move. Nice to see them there tbh, very much not in keeping with the area which tends to be white and black mercs everywhere.
  8. S

    The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

    s**t pic, but an Evo and what I assume is a real Cosworth in the centre of Bradford. MOTs expired on both.
  9. S

    Potential new owner advice sought Buy this. High mileage, apparent well looked after example. 7.5k.
  10. S

    RB 182 on eBAY

    No worries. Not spoke to Andy in a while, but he knows his way around a clio so should have been in decent nick when he moved it on.
  11. S

    RB 182 on eBAY

    Thought I recognised the plate;
  12. S

    Red Trophy - M27 services

    Pretty sure that's number 243.
  13. S

    My dads old car

    My old car. Bought if off @Matthew
  14. S

    The Renault 5 GT Turbo Resto

    That nova Gsi takes me back to my youth. Bought mine of 140k, stuck a Courtenay sunstrip and TSW alpines on it. Great to see one still kicking around.
  15. S

    Sunglasses Ron’s LY Clio 220 Trophy Sure there was a thread on Cutters recently as well about it. Probably get booted out by the Ombudsman, but still a hassle to deal with.