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F4R with automatic transmission


ClioSport Moderator


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
Do Renault make an auto box that’s not terrible?

The only auto box I’d fit to anything would be a ZF8HP70. Given they are massive and mount the wrong way round I’d imagine sticking one in a Clio is probably unfeasible.
Do Renault make an auto box that’s not terrible?

The only auto box I’d fit to anything would be a ZF8HP70. Given they are massive and mount the wrong way round I’d imagine sticking one in a Clio is probably unfeasible.
I wanted to use a renault auto but I heard alot of terrible stories about it and i want to do this on a sandero , any suggestions


ClioSport Club Member
Looking at pictures the K7M looks like the manual version was available with a Jb3 box, so if the auto uses the same bottom end which i assume they do, then i believe your current box would bolt to an F4R, the F4R and K7M have the same gearbox mounting pattern i believe?
Looking at pictures the K7M looks like the manual version was available with a Jb3 box, so if the auto uses the same bottom end which i assume they do, then i believe your current box would bolt to an F4R, the F4R and K7M have the same gearbox mounting pattern i believe?
let me try find out maybe i could get the f4R and keep the same box
