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Fuel brether pipe

Hi all, i have used the search function and think I now know my problem and possibly how to solve it but need help locating the fuel filler breather pipe, whenever I try to fill her up she doesn't want to and the pump keeps cutting out i have searched here and think it the breather pipe but on the threads I have read no one mentions where I can find it so any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
I could be wrong but i'm sure it's part of the fuel filler pipe itself. Number 4 in this shot.

thank you for the images, Im a little more confused now though what I have read doesn't seem possible now I can actually see it, I've been told to get someone to use a airline to blow the breather pipe clear as that is the most lightly thing to be causing me a problem but now I see it im not sure where the airline needs to blow from,

any thought?

thanks again for your help this forum really had a great in depth knowledge
