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  1. I

    Recaros (My new 182 pics)

    Cheers for all the positive comments. Im obviously a little defensive as Ive just spent a whack of money on it! I like it so thats all that matters really. Cant wait to get a few miles on it. Ian.
  2. I

    Recaros (My new 182 pics)

    Fair point about the side airbags, although my thoughts are more "side airbags at the expense of Recaros"!. Not sure about Konigs or aftermarket Cobras being any cheaper tho. Ian. [Edited by Ian182 on 15 May 2005 at 5:32pm]
  3. I

    Recaros (My new 182 pics)

    lol, cheers for that. Gotta love the "my dads car is better than your dads car" attitude. ;) Arent these the same as the ones in the DC2 or am I getting mixed up with something else? Theyre good enought for the Evo VII. Konigs are nice but £££ and a bit to big for a clio IMO. IAn.
  4. I

    Recaros (My new 182 pics)

    All very funny :cry: AOL doesnt mix well with some forums for some reason. Try these. Ian.
  5. I

    Recaros (My new 182 pics)

    Hi folks, I picked up my spanking new 182 on Friday and Im loving every minute so far. I just thought Id write a quick note to advise anyone who is considering a new 182 to tick the box for Recaro seats, they are truely amazing, so much support and so comfy. The crap rear bench doesnt bother...
  6. I

    182 Recaro Option: Not an option for now

    My car is due to arrive on the 29th April with Recaros and as far as I know all is well! Ian.
  7. I

    Wait for the Recaros . . . . .

    My 182 with recaros has been brought forward from 10th May to the 29th April, cant wait:) Ian.
  8. I

    Did I get a good deal (new 182)

    This pretty much echos the reason I bought the 182! If I was really bothered about depreciation I certainly wouldnt have bought a new renault! Ian.
  9. I

    182 recaro

    Ive just been told the same thing! "Its on the system but we get an error message when placing an order", theyve spoken to the factory and are awaiting a response. Its a bit annoying as I was told the order was placed on Monday, Ive got no problmems with honest delays but I prefer to know...
  10. I

    182 recaro

    I ordered one on Sunday with recaros, delivery 22nd April. As far as I know the order went through fine on Monday (had a call to confirm other things). Ill let you know if I hear otherwise. As an aside the dealer couldnt find it on the ordering system to start off with but apparently its...
  11. I

    Did I get a good deal (new 182)

    Ah well, you win some, you loose some! Im pretty pleased with the price, its better than most online prices I got (drivethedeal, tins etc) but worse than others (new-car-discount), I like the idea of buying from a local dealer, maybe more eager to please with niggly warrenty issues, time will...
  12. I

    Did I get a good deal (new 182)

    Hi all, New member here defecting from a string a VWs and moving on to a 182, which will hopefully give me the driving pleasure I want with a 3r warranty! I ordered my 182 yesterday from a main dealer and think I got a pretty good deal, but you guys know better than me so I thought Id ask...