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Search results

  1. S

    182 12K SERVICE

    cheers for that. thought so. Service people bunch of useless tw*ts anyway - dont even know what is included on standard service schedule etc. Think ill shop round!
  2. S

    182 12K SERVICE

    Hi guys, bit of help would be appreciated here. Just been quoted £250 by Whitehouse Orpington for 12K182 service. Franky that seems ridiculous - used to have 1.216v clio and that was £150 [I know 182 engine more highly stressed etc. but even so] Is this a reasonable price? They also...
  3. S

    quicker car or mod

    Best to upgrade mate! Modding always F$CKS insurance premiums anyway! youll always get better performance from stock 182 than u will from modded 1.6 etc. unless u spend stupid amounts.
  4. S

    182, Cup pack, Inferno, 12.7K any good

    My 182 13,500 incl cd changer, cup back [spoiler and suspend]. Just haggle! [may be more difficult now that cup undercuts standard model] The 200bhp version he is referring to is the hot version of the all new clio. The standard model comes out later this year [september time] but hot...