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  1. S

    amping components

    im going to buy a set of component speakers and want to amp them, but how many channels would my amp needs as there are main speakers and tweeters so would i need a seperate channel for each speaker? thanks in advance Sam
  2. S


    ok now im confused, many on the forum say halford are w##kers but from this they seem like they are either stupid or f##king awsome...
  3. S


    ok so them components and the amp will be ryt, thatl be like £110 but i really need a sub, tinny music sucks ass :dapprove: what sub kit is best for about £130?? i want it reallllly loud hehe without sacrificing too much quality but im not looking for crystal clear when reallllly loud .
  4. S


    grrr well post me a v.loud good bass qaulity sub and amp at around 100-150 lol
  5. S


    well what would u guys think of this would i need to amp the components? Cheers Sam
  6. S

    pull up gear knob

    i currently have go tone of those knobs that has a bit attached which u pull up underneath it to select reverse gear. I want to purchase a new gear knob and have bene browsing ebay etc. Does the knob have to have any specific attribte to work with the pull up mechanism or will any old one do...
  7. S


    see i dont really know what i want as im new to the whole b****cks. i definatly need sub and amp as the car came with a shitty sub in it and its really depressing. its all standard kit so ill upgrade whatever to get me the best bang for ma ££££. cheers for the advice so far :cool:
  8. S


    hey guys, im asking all of you for your own personal opinions now. i have £200 spends for sounds (not including the h/u). and i would like to know what you would recommend i purchase to get the best tunes in my automobile. thanks in advance Sam
  9. S


    thanks for all the advice people :D:D may aswell close this now :D
  10. S


    harm to my wallet, student with part time job here and first car so v. high insurance lol :P so how loud is around 800W exactly....if u havnt guessed im new to the whole lot :D cheers, Sam
  11. S

    Budget Interior

    ah thanks very much :D
  12. S

    Budget Interior

    Hello Im a student with a vvvvveeeerrrrryyyy tight budget and want to update the interior in my new car (new driver). As of right now it is all standard that comes with a 1.2 clio oasis 1996. Im wanting to know what is the best bit inside to upgrade to make it look a bit snazzier at a...
  13. S


    cheers, so what wattage would you recommend. Iv been thinking about 2 10" and amp but dont know how much juice they would drain with different watts. ill have a browse at the component speakers and tweeters then :D thanks man
  14. S


    okay so iv just got myself a 1996 clio oasis 1.2. first car so i dont have a clue what im doing. before anyone makes assumption i have searched on the forums and over the internet and have yet to find any useful information. im wanting to put in a sound sytem, consisting of a head unit, a...