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  1. M

    Calling on al clio drivers in South Africa

    Hey ya guys i would like to know if there is any peaple who would like to start clio group!!!!!!!! in PRETORIA south africa If ther is please let me know
  2. M

    Pushing Horses

    Isnt there some kind of chip that can just be instaled and thats it....Maybe when my warranty runs out i will go the turbo route but what till then....because of my location (Johannesburg South Africa) the altitude is killing my normal motor, I just got back from vacation at our south coast and...
  3. M

    Pushing Horses

    Yeah i hear what you are saying but i was meaning somewere in the line of software or a chip because the i have been told that the CLIP diagnostic system can not pick up a change as a chip!
  4. M

    Pushing Horses

    is there any sugestion on makes....There is some avalible options as a software upgrade but i worry about breakin the motor and losin my factory coverage...
  5. M

    Pushing Horses

    My renault dealer did some diging and was told by head office that the 197 motor is good up to 200kw....:eek: dont know how true that statement is but thanx for the advice:)
  6. M

    Pushing Horses

    Hi every 1 I own a 197 clio sport and with every power hungry SOB i want to push up the Hp. Is there any approved mods that any one can help me with? I recently put my car on the dino and it is on 149Kw if there is any advice please dont be shy!!!!
  7. M

    Hey every body

    This is my Baby.....But it s still a working progress
  8. M

    Hey every body

    Hi every body..... I would like to intro my self to the site....My Name is Madonion and i am from South Africa and i am driving a clio 3 Sport!!!Hope 2 have some good time with all of you!