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  1. R

    2002 Cup 172 Timing Belt ???

    :D Thanks for the help, booked in at Birchdown for next week :D
  2. R

    2002 Cup 172 Timing Belt ???

    Cheers No need to replace the dephaser then then but will look around for renault specialist RP
  3. R

    2002 Cup 172 Timing Belt ???

    No a friend of a friend si doing the change he does all my enigine work on my car and wifes BMW M3. No rattle when started form cold or wehn car is warm, no oil leaks either
  4. R

    2002 Cup 172 Timing Belt ???

    I am just in the process of changing the timing belt and pulleys and have been told that I need to change the "DEPHASER PULLEY" as well Can any please advise if this is correct??? Cheers