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Search results

  1. cava83

    NAS/RAID security. Full r****d.

    That made laugh. :D
  2. cava83

    NAS/RAID security. Full r****d.

    What's the 1511+ like? I have a ReadyNas NVX and looking at changing to the 1512+ ....... :D
  3. cava83

    Netflix or Lovefilm instant

    just tested netflix. Cannot find things like District 13, newer transformers. Seems quite limited.
  4. cava83

    email only working on 3g not wifi? Port 25 is probably blocked too. Try the exchange :)
  5. cava83

    Whats a iPad 2 16GB 3g worth?

    What's the condition like, boxed? I'd be up for one.
  6. cava83

    email only working on 3g not wifi?

    Cannot get and send? Make sure your ports aren't blocked by your service provider. Also, add gmail as exchange on your iphone not as gmail.....
  7. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    I'll take that on the chin :rasp:
  8. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    PDF in a zipped file it is. Bosh, saved £1800. Total savings this annum is 78k Bonus for this annum is 1k. :S
  9. cava83

    Swap iphone 4 for galaxy nexus?

    I must admit, for me, the S2, feels like a better phone all round. Not big fan of the samsung interface, however, it's a lot smoother and doesn't judder as much as the nexus. When you have live wallpapers, the phone is rather un-responsive and slow on the nexus, which is rather frustrating...
  10. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    Had a look before, emailed the guy and they state that you can choose the https option which is encrypted. They do store the files online though and then delete it automatically, don't feel too sexy about that really, would you be concerned? :D
  11. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    That is a good point. They get it like this when it's incoming.
  12. cava83

    iOS "must have" apps

    This looks good - Air Display.
  13. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    They are PDF's with people's health insurance information, which is then emailed to the insurance company with updates/amendments. The password is required, in order to comply with FSA regulations as emails aren't "encrypted". Acrobat is a great tool for this, but at £1800 it seems a waste :s...
  14. cava83

    Server bargain for data centre...

    What you using them for and what config? The R510's seem good buck for power. The new HP G8's look like a great spec, I think they are becoming more like Dell though, aesthetically wise.
  15. cava83

    PDF passwords - in a business

    Hi, Do you guys currently PDF passwords, if so, what do you use? I have 6 users needing to do it, but buying 6 x Acrobat X licenses (£300 a pop) seems like a waste of money just to password protect a PDF, How do you guys go about this? Thanks, G.
  16. cava83

    Server bargain for data centre...

    Dell aren't bad, it's just preference really. Same as cisco, some of their equipment is great at the mo and relatively cheap. 10 is a bargain! They where doing 2 R410's with 32gb of RAM, can't remember what CPU, quad Nic's and 3 x 300GB SAS drives for 3k including 24x7 mission critical !
  17. cava83

    Vmware auto shutdown when on battery??????

    I love this forum.
  18. cava83

    Server bargain for data centre...

    Hi Guys/Ladies; If any of you are looking to upgrade servers at work, the below is a good deal, Might be of help to someone.
  19. cava83

    Home Networking and "home plugs"

    Phone netgear and speak to them, they will tell you which suppliers do, if any.
  20. cava83

    iPad 3 - Released March 16th. Pre-Orders start 7th March

    I would too. What if you're playing a game for 15 mins, where some of the icons aren't changing or pixel shifting......
  21. cava83

    Vmware auto shutdown when on battery??????

    Jimmy, do you need them in a specific order? Normally people tend to use power chute in order to initiate the shutdown request, but I am not sure if you can do it on a specific order. There are a couple of threads on Spiceworks...
  22. cava83

    Pirate bay experiment with low orbit server stations.

    That is actually amazing.
  23. cava83

    Apple TV 3

    Re-encode? Are you watching it through iTunes? Sorry. Glad you like it. The interface is horrible, sure that will upgrade over time. :)
  24. cava83

    Swap iphone 4 for galaxy nexus?

    I did, I regret it. You will too. Swap is a fair trade.
  25. cava83

    iPad 2 Cases/Covers.

    That looks lovely !! Really like that
  26. cava83

    iPad Launch - Too soon to queue?

    Not meaning to sound like a tit, but if I didn't have a mortgage and lived at home like many, I could afford a Ferrari, so could many. But I do see where you are coming from.
  27. cava83

    iPad 2 Cases/Covers.

    I have the grey smart cover too, gets well dirty :( Nice setup though.
  28. cava83

    XBMC - WTF?

    I personally think Plex is much easier to use and nicer. I found XBMC a bit of a pain. The better thing about XMBC is that you can install it on an ATV2, without needing a Plex server running. Thanks, G.
  29. cava83

    CS's Opinion on this monitor......

    Do you actually like widescreen monitors for working? I have a 30" ACD at home, too big. I have two 2245's at work, nice but dont like widescreens really. I think two 20" 1600 x 1200 are the best. Dual screens are great, as stated for multi tasking and increasing your productivity.
  30. cava83

    iPad 3 - Released March 16th. Pre-Orders start 7th March

    I think anyone taking pictures walking down the road or whatever would look like a right tool with an iPad. :)