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  1. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    it iz cus i aint checking or replying no more lol
  2. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    rite now closing this topic so no more msgs n spk 2 ya all soon xxxxx
  3. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    rite now closing this topic so no more msgs spk 2 ya all soon xxxxxx
  4. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    i dnt care im happy the way i am, my cars luvly n means the world 2 me so no more nasty msgs plz theres nought wrong wiv autos!
  5. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    cheerz bubbles but i just couldnt get the hang of the manual, call me stupid or woteva but i dnt care, im guna do this williams thing hopefully n prove it can b dun xxx;)
  6. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    adam no affence but sod off! theres nought wrong wiv autos
  7. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    i dnt c wot the big problem wiv an auto is, an auto just means instead of u changing the gears urself the car just does it 4 ya, yer in a manual theres a bit more power but nt amazing amounts! thank u bubbles n bubbles no hard feelings yer it just gets me down wen ppl mock autos! so no more...
  8. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    i hv an auto liscence cuz i never got the hang of gears unfortunately i dunno y just didnt sorry any nos of ne1 that could help me out?
  9. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    lol cheers lunner, theyll b no need 4 fights i just dnt appreaciate peeps mocking auto drivers cuz theres nuttin wrong wiv em is there?? i just couldnt get the hang of gears
  10. C

    can u make a williams automatic

    ive heard that theres no auto williams!:( just a question 2 ask wiv sum pro help could i make a williams engine auto??? any advice?? n if ya guna b nasty dnt reply plz! xxxx all advice much appreaciated!
  11. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    thanx jillyB xxx, amie sod off! lol
  12. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    there isnt a medical reason i just cant get the hang og gears!!!!!!!! it happens!!!!!
  13. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    really i cant get 1!!!!!!!:( could i nt get 1 made or summin???
  14. C

    can u get a automatic williams

    im an automatic driver only n i dnt think i can hv a williams clio or can i?????:(
  15. C

    wheel arches finding problem’s

    where or can u give me a website for clio mark 1 archess, did u say i can put pug 106 arches on?????
  16. C

    wheel arches finding problem’s

    can ne1 please help me, a sive just bought some sideskirts for my mark 1 clio n need 2 fill the gap wiv sum wheel arche extensions n cant seem to find them anywhere, ne help????