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Search results

  1. D

    Thinking of buying a 182

    Yeh Im sure that was me! One of my mates lives near Ricky. Yeh live in Abbots Langley. I must be honest think Ill be tinting mine missus has her new corsa done and it looks the muts! Am not fussed about colour; they look good in titanium, black, infrno and blue...see whatever comes up &...
  2. D

    Thinking of buying a 182

    ollie....yep black with black leather (most of them have horrible coloured leather). It was probably me or the missus...if it looked like it was out of control it was probably me! LOL So how good is the service/garage facilities at Watford? And would you buy another one considering the...
  3. D

    Thinking of buying a 182

    Richy....PM me the details I may be interested...oh and some pics would be good too! I will give you my email addy in return.
  4. D

    Thinking of buying a 182

    ohh youve all got me a bit worried about the build quality now. As far as dealers go I know what you mean. I went into Renault Watord on Sunday and when I asked the salesman if he could get hold of a 182 he just went "Yeh theyre two a penny" I was gobsmacked! To be honest his attitude as made...
  5. D

    Thinking of buying a 182

    Okay so being my first post; Hello To All. Due to the dreaded tax-man I have just had to sell my BMW MCoupe! A very sad thing indeed. However I recently test drove a used 182 and loved it! A very impressive little motor. Now dont flame me but is there anyone on here who has had a high...