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  1. G

    What happened?

    one minute it seemed all on and now i can't find any reference to it and the web site is not working anymore...???
  2. G

    What happened?

    To the Drive 4 Life thing???
  3. G

    2 black 182 at NEC on sat 12th

    yeah i agree - only took me about an hour to look at pretty much all of the cars.
  4. G

    Fred & 3 other RS's - MPH'05

    I was in E1 aswell in a black 182. Did anyone see the Noble in the car park which the front spoiler cut out!?
  5. G

    2 black 182 at NEC on sat 12th

    You followed me in and then parked two down from me. I was going to say hi but your missus looked like she was engaging you in conversation!! Thought the show was good.