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  1. D

    leaking water through sunroof or ariel hole on mk 1 1.4rt

    good tip the sandwich bag might do that one also as thats the main worry with this damn leak apart from the impromtue shower that is Ok to clarify are we talking about sealing the outer edge of the plastic surround that surrounds the sunroof on the roof opr sealing the outer edge of the glass...
  2. D

    suggestions for best sprins/shocks and tyre sizes to upgrade to pls

    our dci is getting a shocky/spring and wheels and tyres upgrade to try and eradicate a few things so whats the best sizes to go for. The car is used as often on windy counrty roads as it is on motorways and b roads [ we live in the counryside and commute 80 miles through countryside and motorway...
  3. D

    advise wanted pls

    hi guys me back again The rumbling clio sagga goes on. We have done. checked all that your guys suggested. On top of which we have had the car inspected by reno thereselfs now who also cannot find any faults but do admit that on road test at arround 30+ there is a definate rumbling they...
  4. D

    2002 plate 1.5dci rumbling noise

    We own a 52 plate 2002 clio 1.5 dci which has only around 16000 miles on the clock which is a great wee car howevr when driving it at any speed on any type of raod surface whether cornering or not there is a constant rumbling type of noise almost as if driving constantly over the runble strip on...
  5. D

    leaking water through sunroof or ariel hole on mk 1 1.4rt

    Can anyone abvise my on the bset course of action. My mk 1 1.4 rt is leaking water in on top of the remote controller for the remote immobiliser and central locking mech on my 1.4 rt. Does anyone know if it is more liably going to be the sunroof or the areil hole thats at fault, and whichever...