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  1. R

    Dodgey noises!

    Hey guys, my sis has a series 2 mk1 renault clio paris that she drives regularly. Yesterday she told me it was making a really odd noise, so i took it for a drive and after a little while came a strange whurring/rubbing type noise from the front end. It can sometimes be felt through the...
  2. R

    New Headunit

    Thats all i needed, thankyou!
  3. R

    New Headunit

    Why would i need to? A head unit's a headunit?
  4. R

    New Headunit

    Ok cheers for you help guys:dapprove:
  5. R

    New Headunit

    Hi, got a headunit im converting from my old car to the clio, is it a straight swap? i.e is the connectors the same should it work as a direct replacement? Thanks Rich
  6. R

    Radio Code for paris

    Hey guys, my mum bought a R reg clio 1.2 paris last week with a Phillips RC 169 cassete player, she had her only key taken from her handbag and had to get the clio dealer to recode the immobilisor and give us a new key! After that i drove it for a bit because my mini popped a headgasket again...