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  1. Kilf

    Service light

    Hi all, My 172 (02)'s service light keeps coming on without apparent reason. Its last service was on 29K and its now on 34k. Can someone let me know what activates this light and some good places to start looking for the cause? No other lights are coming on at the same time by the way! Si
  2. Kilf

    New bloke needs advice etc!

    Ok thanks for the help, just one question.... Wheres the best place to investigate these things further? I'd like to read up a little before plunging on in.... :)
  3. Kilf

    New bloke needs advice etc!

    Afternoon all, I'm a new member to the site as I only purchased my 172 about 3 weeks ago (enjoying it greatly by the way!). Originally I had no intention of messing about with it but, as is so often the way, I started reading this website and became mildly aroused at the thought of making it...