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  1. J

    north east rules

    life oh life oh life oh life do do do do do
  2. J

    north east rules

    i love racing guys, yeah!!
  3. J

    north east rules

    just thought id say how i think that the north east has the best clios in the uk in my opinion. easy easy easy easy..............:approve:
  4. J

    Thanks to Taylor for pimpin my ride ;)

    Hello, Carol? Its Alan. How are you? Me? Im having a fantastic time, yeah. Im having the best time since sliced bread. Hows Mr. Planet of the Apes man? Oh. Is he still driving that Renault CLIO? Yeah, can I just read you something from Top Gear magazine? No, its alright, Ive got it here, Ive got...
  5. J

    Thanks to Taylor for pimpin my ride ;)

    mmmmmmmmmmmm sex
  6. J

    Thanks to Taylor for pimpin my ride ;)

    taylor u pimp rides so neat, ur alloys are amazing and sweet, peparami is barmy, i prefer salami, and garf has size 15 feet