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Search results

  1. S

    Bendix or gurling?

    It does say lucas on the calliper, so it must be girling. Thanks for letting me know, I didn't wanna buy brake pads and discs that wouldn't fit!
  2. S

    Interior colour coding

    I've seen several clios with colour coded interiors (the trim around the air vents, stereo, etc) and I was gonna have my sprayed at a body shop. However, somebody told me that you can buy 'kits' which basically stick on a material (which looks like it's been sprayed an alloy colour) which...
  3. S

    Bendix or gurling?

    I'm going to replace the front discs and pads on my clio. I have a haynes manual which states that the brakes will either be a bendix calliper, or a gurling calliper, so how can I tell which ones I have? I've also telephoned around for some quotes for performance brake pads, and I keep getting...
  4. S

    wheel bearing

    I had my N/S/R bearing replaced on my clio yesterday at a local garage. It cost me £106, although the mechanic did say that a large amount of his work is rear wheel bearing replacements on renaults, so it seems to be a fairly common problem Anyway, mine had got so loud that I had to have it...