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Search results

  1. L

    Renault World Series Lots of big pics

    More modern F1
  2. L

    Renault World Series Lots of big pics

    Cheers all and yep the Esses Now for the historic F1
  3. L

    wht you think to this pic

    Look good on the move as well
  4. L

    Renault World Series Lots of big pics

    Cheers and im using a 70 - 200 with a cheap :eek: 2x converter....
  5. L

    Renault World Series Lots of big pics

    First post for a while. Small selection from today more to come
  6. L

    The Best Clio Photo of 2006 AWARDS!!

    Some of my efforts
  7. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Mansell Jr's Not half as quick or tache'd as there dad though More Clios and BTCC up later
  8. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Indeed not
  9. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Formula Reanult Did he save it?
  10. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Bored so some more. A bit of photoshop magic This was before the damage.... Then some laps later he did this.
  11. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Its a Canon eos 350d with a EF 70-200 F4l USM Lens
  12. L

    BTCC Pictures

  13. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Im a modern man I can cope with that ;) .... Just
  14. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Thanks for all the comments:approve: What to see some more? Clios? BTCC? Porsches? Formula Renault? Grid Girls?
  15. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Short cut And a Vauxhall (sorry)
  16. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    The suction cup is this from a company called fast films. I though it was a bargain at £25 (somebody will probably tell be different)
  17. L

    BTCC Pictures

    And these taken as a request
  18. L

    BTCC Pictures

  19. L

    BTCC Pictures

    Just sorting my PC as it needs tidying up. I forgot about these and here seems like a good place to post some :) No actual order just random "I only nudged him"
  20. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    You have to excuse my poor grasp of cameras as im learning all the time but "cp and and some nd filters". Im guessing neutral density but what is cp? What other techniques do you recommend? Any help is cool as it will make for better picks in the future ;)
  21. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    Yep timer. Press the button then I have 10 seconds to get back in the car and get it rolling... untill I can work out a better way
  22. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    Last one
  23. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    That is my favourite as well :approve:
  24. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    Cheers for all the coments. As for the questions I was using a Canon 350D with a sucky mount thing. And no where near Newbury Im from Derby.
  25. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    Cheers:D ANd this would have been my fav but for the mud:mad:
  26. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    Today was better but went through a BIG puddle so the car was all muddy
  27. L

    "On the move" Pics. Not 56k friendly

    First post here so go gentle ;) Went out yesterday for a play with a camera part, weather not that good so a bit dark.