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Search results

  1. B

    blue 197 moodiesburn (glasgow area)

    spotted at 13.20 heading north number plate ended in TAM
  2. B

    new mobile help

    thinking about getting a new mobi and was thinking of this from o2 at £35 a month + free handset comments/advice welcome cheers blue
  3. B

    blue 197 in dundee

    spotted on satarday on the kingsway at about 12.45ish. had a customised exhaust on it
  4. B

    2 V6's in and around glasgow

    im from arbroath but i dropped my young lad off at the rangers game. dont have a clio sport though, got a megane 225 and a 1.2 clio
  5. B

    2 V6's in and around glasgow

    a red v6 spotted near ibrox then again in the city center. then a blue v6 near the steps / muirehead area