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Search results

  1. X


    i think i will for know on
  2. X


    i wouldnt bother ud get ur head bite of lol
  3. X


    no i dont own a 172 im looking for one but i dindnt know asking a question like this was so not aloud u lot r a buch of txxts who like to give a girl a hard time good job i cant c ya id kick ur asses lol
  4. X


    u could of said dont go there
  5. X

    hi all

    thanx so ur opion is not to go for the clour i want what i was trying to say is ive seen a 172 in that coulour with rs on the seats and it confused me
  6. X


    well as im new i didnt know u lot dont give peple a chance do ya lol
  7. X


    im new to this so dont know where there is god ur helpfull
  8. X

    Which stripes looks best?

    the right one it looks better then the shorter one
  9. X


    whats better 172 or the 182 people say the 172 but can i have your opions please and what the diffrence is
  10. X

    hi all

    the seats are horrible without the writing
  11. X

    hi all

    the french do get complictaed dont they lol
  12. X

    hi all

    oh ok thanx
  13. X

    hi all

    i expect u lot have give up
  14. X

    hi all

    so will i get a 172 with righting on the seats or not if i can what coulours please
  15. X

    hi all

    right so whats the other coulor called with the writing on the seats
  16. X

    hi all

    arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr are you winding me up greeny lol
  17. X

    hi all

    yes revels thats the coulour yes iam getting annoyed with myself lol
  18. X

    hi all

    if you know of any BLUE 172 for sale in south west can you email me please
  19. X

    hi all

    omg i want a blue 172 in blue ill just say that yea ??
  20. X

    hi all

    some one put a pic of the mondial blue or what ever its called
  21. X

    hi all

    does any one understand yet ????????? lol
  22. X

    hi all

    write every 1 ive got my self confused i had an insurance qoute and its cheaper for me to insure a 172 but i want a artic blue one with reanult sport written in the seats my dad had a silver 2000 reg and it had it in but i cant find a blue 1 with this in
  23. X

    hi all

    right every one sorry to confuse you its artic blue
  24. X

    hi all

    yes thats the one gazeratti
  25. X

    hi all

    ive confused every 1 now i thought that the blue coulour was called trophey blue have you guessed yet yes iam blonde
  26. X

    hi all

    yea well you know what i ment lol i cant name the other blue its not that dark blue and its not the racing blue whats the other colour
  27. X

    hi all

    no not that blue i want a trophey blue im feb up with my vtr saxo so i cant get a 182 becouse of insuarnce as im onley 19
  28. X

    hi all

    hi all im new to this but i am lookinf for a clio 172 blue with renult sport wrote in the seats in soputh west area if you know of any for sale drop me an email thanx