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  1. stevie_172

    Another new Scottish 172 Owner

    Hi, Its silver mate with a set of 17's on it. Thanks everybody for the nice welcome :cool:
  2. stevie_172

    A Few Problems

    Just bought my 172 and already theres a few problems... 1. The Idle Control is sitting about 1,500 - 2,000 revs, especially when its ticking over. Any ideas on the problem? 2. My steering is all over the place, especially when I turn the steering to the left. My thoughts are the wheels aint...
  3. stevie_172

    Another new Scottish 172 Owner

    Nah mate never heard of him but think ive seen that car going about :cool:
  4. stevie_172

    Another new Scottish 172 Owner

    lol very true! Neither is living in Bathgate ;)
  5. stevie_172

    Another new Scottish 172 Owner

    Yeah Crail sounds good to me! Thanks for the welcome folks and yes AP Geist looks like theres more of us joining :)
  6. stevie_172

    Another new Scottish 172 Owner

    Hey folks!! new to this fantastic forum you's have here. Just bought a Clio MrkII 172 at the weekend so thought this was the best place to be :cool: Im from a town in Scotland called 'Bathgate' which is located between Glasgow & Edinburgh. Best of both worlds :)