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Search results

  1. K

    All Racing Blue 182's on the Forum...

    Yes it is ;)
  2. K

    All Racing Blue 182's on the Forum...

    Onother one ;)
  3. K

    Racing stripes?

    I found answers on this forum (Stripes are 50mm with a 110mm gap between them)..sorry on double thread
  4. K

    Racing stripes?

    I would like to make racing stripes on my Clio but I don`t know dimensions. Does somebody know width of stripes in cm? Tknx
  5. K

    Hello from Croatia

    Thank you. If you need a place to stay, I have apartments for rent. ;)
  6. K

    Hello from Croatia

    Hello Renault funs, My name is Kresho,26 years old, I live in Croatia and drive Ph2 Clio 172. I am a car journalist/editor, photographer and organizer of track days on the Croatian race track called Grobnik ( Here are some photos of my "blue pet". I will present my car more in...