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  1. C

    stand alone ecu

    Cheers for the info I will defo have a look into the emerald system. Liking the idea of switchable maps. Im thinking that the loom may be the one thing that i splash abit more cash on save alot of time. Defo running itb's but want to get the engine in first and make sure everything is ok...
  2. C

    stand alone ecu

    Hi All Im in the progress of putting a f4r engine into my 1.2 clio mk2 facelift I am planning on putting itb's on the car in the future and was considering putting a stand alone ecu on the car now in preperation. I have had a look at the Omex 600 unit and wondered if anyone had any...
  3. C

    Hi All

    Hi Im Chris Im currently in the process of puting a f4r engine into my clio. It started life as a 1.2 and I decided it was time for some decent power. Will hopefully get a progress thread up as im sure I will be needing some help. Cheers Chris