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  1. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Adam, I appreciate your input, however I think you need to look at your PCP again. Im not saying theres anything wrong with PCP, but the facts are you will pay interest on that figure which may or may not be cheaper than a bank loan, but you will not have legal entitlment to the car, it is...
  2. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Thanks too all those who had usefull comments to make and actually answered my question. Regards those who want to give their opinions on what I should buy or how I buy it, well....... thanks but no thanks
  3. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Cups are for poor people!! This from a man who would rather PCP and not actually own the car he drives. Im not going to take it as an insult, but perhaps your comments are best left else where.
  4. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Its not rocket science. If I wanted a clio 200 with cup pack thats what I would have asked for. But thanks for the input anyway.
  5. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Thanks for the reply. I'm not bothered about monthly deals, just the purchase price cheers
  6. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Cheers Fella I'll check that out
  7. H

    New 200 Cup best prices at present??

    Hi all I have been off this site for a while since I sold my 172 cup a few years back. I'm now thinking about getting a clio 200 cup and wondered if anyone is seeing any good deals anywhere, or can recommend a good dealer. Im mobile work wise, so can travel just about anywhere in the South West...
  8. H

    Torque settings 172 cup rear disc/shock change

    Hi Can anyone provide the required torgue settings for a rear disc and shock change on a 172 cup. I used to have these from this very site, but cant seem to find them anymore. Main nut, calipers and shock mounts etc. Any settings you know would be a help, but no guesses please, I can do...