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  1. J

    Problems with Sat nav???

    As title suggests im having trouble with my sat nav, it turns on yet no maps or options pop up. Im in northern ireland and the car was bought from mainland UK. Im jus wondering if it needs configured for northern ireland and if so what price are we talking?? any help would be much appreciated
  2. J

    Help needed -Doors are different shade to body???

    This is what the previous owner had told me but I wasnt 100% convinced, its probably not that noticable to most people but it just something I picked up on. Thanks again guys!
  3. J

    Help needed -Doors are different shade to body???

    As title states ive bought an iceberg silver ph2 clio 172 and the doors seem to be a slightly different shade from the rest of the car, is this a sign of respray/repair or is it a common feature of the paintwork on these models?? As you've prob guessd im pretty new to the renault scene and any...