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  1. R

    Opinions on V6 clio.

    as i stand at the moment, ive got 12k saved up, im 21 in 13 months. that... for me is enough time to save up enough money to buy oen new, would you recomend buying one? and if so, new or second hand. i will admint, there is somthing about a new car :) but no doubt second hand will be less...
  2. R

    Clio V6 kit

    um, while at a cruise a few hours ago, i was talking to another clio owner, he told me about a company that did a v6 kit for the clio. but damn ive forgot what the name of the company was, if anyone knows... it would be much appreciated also, why is it so damn hard to find stuff for the 99 rxe...
  3. R

    fast road cam kit

    for my Clio 1.6 8v 1999 v reg. i alreayd tryed kent and piper, no joy... any one know of any where?
  4. R


    has any tuned thier 1.6 8v mk2, and what did you get? im leaving the option of the valver out, cant get insured pfffffffffft :( so im goin with tuning the pants off what i got :) and there will be nothing to let them know its tuned if i wrap up :) forgot to add. i got 110 at 5000 revs in...
  5. R

    from 1.6 8v to 2.0 16v

    yeah i been talkin to a friend of mine. and once i gotthe pennys to do it i will be doing so. just need to know if there is gonna be any major problems to over come?