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  1. N

    Clio 2004 Model

  2. N

    Differences Between 172 and 172 cup

    Probably dry weight
  3. N


    Ive always found elephant to be very competitive, they were under 700 for both of my TTs and the same as the Clio for the Cupra.
  4. N


    doh! Is your car kept off the road? and do you live in whats classed as a high risk postcode area?
  5. N


    30 and full NCB
  6. N


    £395 fully comp with elephant....250 xs
  7. N

    Pictures I think

    Looking good :) Whos the face ache in pic number 4? ;)
  8. N

    172 v Cup

    Also if you go for one of the new Cups with Climate, then there is even less difference between them performance wise as the climate adds a far bit of weight on.
  9. N

    Little Black Spots

    Either that or get a large warm wet towel, lay it across the fly infected area, 30 mins later take it off and they will wipe straight off :D
  10. N

    Little Black Spots

    Autoglym EGP (extra gloss protection) is also excellent at removing them. Its in an alcohol base so it just dissolves them as you lightly rub it on. :)
  11. N

    Standard ICE in a 172 Mk2

    My MB Quart reference componenents were 299 for the front set. :confused:
  12. N

    hmm should i swap!!

    That does look very nice :cool:
  13. N

    Standard ICE in a 172 Mk2

    Ta, in my last car (Cupra) I kept the standard head unit but had all the speakers changed for MB Quart components which vastly improved the sound quality. So you think its worthwhile upgrading the speakers in the Clio then? Out of interest where are the front tweeters located?
  14. N

    Standard ICE in a 172 Mk2

    Whats it like? Am picking one up next week and would like to know what to expect!
  15. N

    hmm should i swap!!

    Thanks for putting my mind at rest :) I have just got one and paid £9k for it, was 99% sure I was getting an excellent deal but its nice to be reassured.
  16. N

    hmm should i swap!!

    What would be a realistic price for a 2002 Mk2 172 with 17k on the clock?
  17. N

    Quick Tyre Question

    Dont even need to be matched on each axle....otherwise people would never be able to use spacesaver spares :)
  18. N

    Clio 172

    I got it for a really good price, so wasnt too fussed on the colour. I like it though ;)
  19. N

    Clio 172

    Colchester in Essex
  20. N

    Clio 172

    Im at work tmrw Im afraid :( Should be picking the car up middle of next week
  21. N

    Clio 172

    The one Im getting is a 2002 model with 17k miles on it, so hopefully any teething problems should have been ironed out :)
  22. N

    East anglia

    Im in Colchester...not a million miles away
  23. N

    Clio 172

    I used to have fun doing that in the Cupra :devilish: was quite a change after the TTs other cars didnt seem to have a clue to its performance and usually ended up having egg on their faces. ;)
  24. N

    Clio 172

    Hi, just wondered if anyone could fill me in on what to expect from the Clio 172, Im picking up a 2002 one next week. Previous cars have mainly been forced induction, 2 X TTs and a Seat Cupra....last normally aspirated car was a VR6 around 3 years ago. Thanks in advance Nick :D